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Hiding Out, part 2

Posted on Fri Jul 23rd, 2010 @ 8:07am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,397 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Space



Khiy didn't know who this Anna person was, but from the way Raven said her name he assumed that the two must be familiar. "How did you find out?"


"Belated birthday dinner. Jana -- Anna's sister -- invited me. She invited Ian. I caught them kissing... Anna asked questions. Ian apologized. He didn't mean to hurt anyone," she said, throwing a wrapper forcefully at the garbage. This one hit the far side and bounced out.

Khiy's eyes widened in surprise. It's one to be told of a loved ones infidelity, another completely to catch them in the act. "I'm not entirely sure what to say. That sounds horrible."

"Horrible is a good word for it. I think I've lost too much of Morticia. She would never be taken in like that." She threw a chocolate with the wrapper still on, but didn't care.

"To be honest, it's probably a good thing that you have lost some of Morticia. If she was still around you would likely have killed him on the spot." He considered her situation for a moment "...He is okay, right?"

"Murder wasn't an option. Castration, on the other hand..." She looked at Khiy. "He's okay. Alive and unharmed," she assured him. The days when she could take matters into her own hands were behind her.

He nodded satisfied. "I know you might not like to hear this, but, you feeling this strongly about someone and the aftermath of it all is probably a good thing. We both know that the career we used to be involved with pushes people into being cold, calloused and emotionally detached from others. Some of us never learn how to properly reintegrate ourselves back into society." Khiy spoke from his own troubles now, especially at trusting others and growing close to them. "As much as this may hurt, I think the way you are feeling and the vulnerability of it all is probably good for you."

That was a surprising comment, coming from Khiy. He'd never been one to promote emotional attachment. Ever. She looked up at him, wondering what had changed to make him think about emotional vulnerability. "I think you've reintegrated more than you realize." She wondered what the woman's name was and how far he'd fallen so far. That thought cheered her up immensely. Khiy, falling for a woman when for as long as she'd known him it had been the other way round...

Khiy frowned at the truth of it. "Seems being a business man is starting to make me soft. It's not the first time I've thought that. That known, I don't think I want to stop it; and I don't think you should either just because of one idiot. Don't let this be an excuse to turn to Morticia."

Raven set her box of chocolate on the ground and stood, walking over to Khiy. "I won't go back to being Morticia if you won't turn back into the person you once were." She squatted down to look Khiy in the eye. "So, who is she?"

He gave her a sardonic smile." This isn't about me, Raven."

"It is now," she teased, grinning. "What better way to get over my own disaster of a love life than to focus on yours?" She was only half serious. If Khiy didn't want to tell her, then she wouldn't pry.

When he didn't relent, she sat on the floor. "It's okay. Just the thought is cheering me up."

Khiy sighed heavily. If it would cheer her up he really had no option.

His hands quickly unwrapped another chocolate and tossed it whole into his mouth. "You know," He said while still chewing the treat "that is entirely unfair; what you are doing here."

"I know." She really shouldn't tease him, but she was enjoying watching him squirm. The mighty Khiy who had women falling all over themselves to get close to him appeared to have fallen for someone. "You don't have to tell me," she relented. "I'll find out later."

Khiy snorted derisively. "Of that I have no question." He shook his head before speaking of it. "To be honest, I'm not sure what I would call it. I can't bring myself to get close enough to her to shape out a definition."

"Then there's me. I jumped in with both feet, not checking to see if there was water in the pool -- and here I am." She reached back and pulled the box of chocolates towards her. "I should have known better. I thought I was in love and bought into every word. Now, looking back, I can see the hesitation on his part... The hedging."

She looked at Khiy keenly. "I have a feeling your case if the total opposite of mine. There's a different vibe about you. She's acting the same way, isn't she? Both of you afraid to trust in what you might have?" She was cheating a little. Not much, because she had a healthy respect for Khiy and his temper if he thought she was reading his thoughts. But he had a different feel about him this time. Not one that showed, but she'd known him for years; worked closely with him for years. To her, and few others, it was fairly obvious.

Khiy nodded "Yes...I think so...I don't know." He admitted. "I sometimes get the feeling that's the case, but it's also likely that my brain is only looking for what it wants' to see or hear."

His fingers freed another chocolate. "I'd say the real irony about yours and my situation is that you trusted too much and wish you hadn't, whereas I can't trust enough and wish I could." He held out his box in offering, "Chocolate?"

Raven took the offered chocolate. "We're quite a pair, aren't we?" she asked before eating the chocolate.

"Seems so. I still think our old lifestyle is to blame more than anything else. 'Working may include; imprisonment, death and social insecurities.'" A grin flashed over his face.

Raven unwrapped another of her chocolates and ate it. "At least you have someone who can help you heal." She looked around her ship. "I have the Hawthorne. Not quite the same thing, is it?"

She ate the last of her chocolates and looked at the empty box. "I'm going to hate myself tomorrow for this."

Khiy laughed a bit. "Yes, probably you will. I've never seen a sea of candy wrappers before." He said, looking around the ship's deck with a smirk on his face.

"Listen," He said after a few moments passed, tone turning more serious "I don't want you thinking that you have no one; I'm here. If you need someone to talk with or even talk AT, come to me. I'd rather you do that then hop on this ship and take off. You can take care of yourself, I know, but it's better to sort it out properly then deprive the station of chocolate."

Raven had to chuckle at that. "You're probably right." She sighed. "I need to import more chocolate to replace what I bought." She smiled. "Seriously, though, thanks. I appreciate the concern -- and the visit. Next time, I'll come talk to you. As long as you promise to do the same: come talk to me if you need a sounding board."

"Will do. I have a feeling I'll be stopping by regularly for advice, if nothing else."

"You're always welcome," Raven said. She stood and gave Khiy a hug. "Thanks."

"I'm happy to be of help." He said, returning the hug. "Let me escort you home. It's not that safe out here alone."

Raven was fine, but she nodded, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Okay. I will follow you back to Typhon."

Khiy smiled "Good, when we get back we can share a few glasses of Romulan Ale and talk about the old times. Might cheer us up."

He walked a few paces into the open room. "Bellum Dea, one to beam over." Seconds later his form dematerialised from off Raven's ship, leaving her alone once more.

Raven sat back in her Captain's chair. "Computer, plot in a course for Starbase Typhon. Let's go home."


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading
Starbase Typhon


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