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Misplaced Anger Still Hurts

Posted on Fri Jul 23rd, 2010 @ 8:09am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

1,076 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Operations

Anna had told the computer to message her when Raven was back on board the ship. When she received the notice and found out where Raven was at that moment she moved first a a shop on the station that sold sweets. Anna purchased a large box of assorted chocolates and a brownie cheese cake. Once she had the two she made her way toward where Raven was and rang the chime to be allowed in.

Raven wasn't quite ready to be part of society, but she had to get back to work. Still, she was doing as much as she could from her quarters until she healed enough. Fortunately, most people had no idea what had transpired. She preferred it that way.

She was surprised when her door chime sounded. She walked quietly to the door, unsure what to expect. She opened the door, took one look at Anna, and knew. "You and Ian are together." It wasn't a question.

"We've talked." Anna said, "I told him to stay away from me for a few days so that he could decide for himself which of us he really wants." Anna said then offered the peace offering to Raven. "From what he said he want's to give us a try but I want him to be sure before I decide anything for myself."

Raven took the offerings and set them on her table. "For what it's worth, he hasn't tried to contact me. I don't even think he cares. I was merely a convenience."

"Can I please come in. I don't want him to come between our friendship." Anna said.

"Sure. Come in. Have a seat." Her tone was desultory.

Anna stepped through the doors. "If it is going to be a problem for us if he ever gets up the nerve to talk to me again I'll tell him no." Anna said. "What he did was wrong. I went out and drank away my misery and he found me half way through a bottle of Irish Whiskey before I was done." Anna said with a sigh. "I don't know which of us he was seeing first I'm afraid to ask." Anna said. She hoped that when Raven got around to opening the two boxes they would help cheer her up some.

"I don't think it matters who he went out with first. We know who he slept with first. He asked me to spend the night after out second date. Did he tell you that?"

"No he didn't." Anna said, "The night in the holodeck was the first time we spent the night together." Anna sighed, "I guess I'll go. By the way the larger box should be put in the cooler soon or it won't be any good." Anna said. "When you are ready to really talk let me know." Anna said and got up to leave.

Raven gave Anna a hug. 'It's not your fault. I don't blame you." She didn't delve deeply, but as Ian was on Anna's mind, it wasn't hard to pick up a few details. "He cared about you. He used me."

"He says he cares for both of us for different reasons." Anna said, "I don't think his intention was to use you." Anna's eyes teared a bit. She was torn. She wanted to be here for her friend but she did care for Ian. If he wanted her she wanted to give him one more chance but not at Raven's expense.

"Yea, he cared so much that he ran straight to you to make sure you were okay. The only reason he knows I left the station is because you told him." Raven didn't care if Anna wondered where she got the information. Or if Anna knew she was projecting her feelings.

"Okay first of all stop reading my thoughts. Even if he had wanted to talk to you he couldn't have you weren't here. He came to operations trying to butter me up. I went out got drunk and yes I told him to talk to you. I have to know how he feels I can't just read someone's thoughts and know if they are telling the truth or not." Tears made their way down Anna's cheek. Her thoughts for a moment went to her father and his treatment of her. What Ian had done really was nothing compared to how her father had treated her but she quickly pushed that out of her mind she didn't want Raven to know if it wasn't already too late. "I'm sorry I bothered you. I'm sorry I cared."

"First, if you don't want me to read your thoughts, stop projecting. You're almost impossible to block. Second, I don't usually read people's thoughts. However, if I'd bothered reading Ian's, we wouldn't be in this mess, would we? Third, just because your father abused you doesn't mean every man will. Quit comparing the two or you and Ian won't stand a chance. Fourth, Ian didn't want to talk to me. My being here wouldn't have changed anything. I was a cheap lay. He said what he needed to get me to sleep with him. Once I was caught, he walked away. You were the one he apologized to. Not me." This was not going well. Raven didn't blame Anna for what Ian had done, but she wasn't going to say everything was just peachy, either.

Tears were falling down Anna's face now. "I have no training in blocking and wouldn't know how to do it if I tried. I'm not intentionally projecting anything." Anna said yelling back, "I didn't ask him to apologize to me nor did I want him to at that point. The only reason I wasn't where you are now is because I expect all men to be like my father and you don't have to worry I won't come back and bother you again." Anna turned and left Raven's quarters and marched toward her own.

Raven dropped onto the couch, tears rolling down her cheeks. She tried to tell Anna she wasn't prying. Raven even said she didn't hold it against Anna. But the other woman was too upset to care.

After a while, Raven put Anna's offering away and went to her room. She wasn't up to eating anything. Not even chocolate.


Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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