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Journeys end

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2010 @ 6:11pm by Commander Jack Tolren

1,123 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: space
Timeline: current


Mike moved to the Command seat as they approached Star base Typhon. Mike opened a channel =^= This registered flight long range shuttle on approach request permission to land. I know it is a holiday but I hope we can get aboard soon, has been a long trip!=^=

=^= "Shuttle Sunrise, enter holding pattern beta and standby for instructions." =^= the reply came from the station. Joe Francis, the duty operations officer quickly confirmed the shuttle's flightplan and occupants and passed the details to one of the non-commissioned officers for arrival instructions and bay allocation, the station was particularly busy today.

Brad was pilot today and he pulled into the holding pattern like a pro as waited for confirmation to land. Mandy and Lee where accessing the Bases computers to see what the local news was as we waited. Mandy squealed in delight "A party, there is a party in progress and we should have plenty of time to get there before the year ends." She proceeded to punch Lee in the arm as he chuckled at her excitement. In a more professional tone she continued "What better way to meet the folks here then at a party."

Patrick smiled from his seat, "I have to agree for once with our lovely tour guide, a party is an excellent way to get aquainted." He looked at Bob "besides that I am sure a party will have something suitably drink-worthy!" Lee saw the glare Mandy gave Patrick and realized with the journeys end the peace-treaty was over. Lee thought back and smiled that was the first wise crack Patrick had made on the entire trip. He laughed out loud and everyone but Brad looked at him to see what was so funny. This made him laugh all the more and tears started forming in his eyes.

Mike saw the signal from the base =^=Shuttle we are here, what are your orders?=^=

=^= Sunrise, cleared for approach to internal bay six-beta, use access door one-upper and standby for tractor guided landing =^=

=^=This is Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins, could you tell me where the Base Commander might be? I would like to meet with him or at least set up a meeting at his convenience.=^=

Francis took the call, =^= Commander Hawkins, welcome to Typhon, Captain Fannin is usually in his office, I'll have the computer send you his exact location when you're landed and cleared through security. =^=

=^= Is good to be here, and I appreciate your help. We are on our way in now.=^= Mike was pleased a lot of night shift guys got grumpy when it got busy. He would need to look this guy up and buy him a drink.

Brad was glad he had so diligently studied the Starbase deck plans as he guided the runabout straight to the desired location. Locked onto the tractor beacon and brought the shuttle slowly into the bay. He flew with more caution then was nesacary which showed his nervousness as he settled the runabout gently on the deck.

Mandy handed everyone their room numbers on deck 151 and grabbed a duffelbag as she opened the hatch. She had accessed that file after checking the local news. she raced across the deck and entered a turbolift. Patrick was not far behind her but not close enough to share the lift. Mandy gave him a wink and a shake of her hips as the door closed.

Lee came up behind and put a hand on Patrick's shoulder, "You did break the truce my man, nnow you got to live with it." Together they entered the next turbolift and requested deck 151. Brad and Bob stayed behind to secure the Danube and do a post op maintenance check. Brad because he didn't like parties and Bob because he wanted to have a chance to make a good impression before he got drunk.

Bob drank to get drunk, but he seldom drank so it wasn't a big problem as yet. Patrick drank socially and only got drunk when he was with Bob, they sort of reinforced each others bad side. Lee drank wine or saki with his meals and on rare occasions drank with friends. He did however have four bottle of saki carefully stashed in his duffle for special occasions. Mandy drank lightly and had not been drunk since her junior prom. She had gotten plastered that night and rescued from a bad situtation by her father. she had vowed to never get in that shape again and had kept her promise.

Mandy entered her room and set the lock code before dumping her stuff on the bed. She pulled out a favorite party dress and all the accessories then jumped in the shower. She quickly dressed taking just enough time to look perfect, before hopping out into the hall and down to the nearest visible turbolift.

Patrick entered his rooms and started visualizing where he would put some hanging plants and the perfect spot for a bead curtain. He dumped his bag on the bed as well and pulled out a loose fitting flowered white shirt, a pair of jeans with holes strategicaly placed and finished off his outfit with a pair of leather sandels. These would be a cool living space. He exited his room and saw Mandy standing down the hall waiting.

Lee's hand appeared on his friends shoulder, "You got to pay up, she expects an escort and we my friend are it." With a slight shove he started them both down the hall. Lee had entered his room and bowed to the room. He had placed his belongings neatly away and changed into a subdued dark blue pair of slacks and a turtleneck shirt. He had smiled when left his room and saw Patrick standing there. Mandy still scared him since she had knocked him out while sparring, but he could still not quit with the little comments.

Mandy waited as the guys approached, "So my escorts have arrived! Lets not keep the lonely gents and ladies waiting then." She turned and grabbed an arm of each of her friends and entered the turbolift smiling.

Brad and Bob finished with the Danube and then beamed their dufflebags to each respective room. Mandy had given Brad a full list as she trusted him not to play a prank on her. Their task done Brad and Bob took a walk around the bay just taking everything in. They stayed a discreet distance from everything as neither wanted to have to deal with Security before they even got registered aboard.


Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins
USB Typhon

Cadet Mandy Travis
Cadet Patrick Wayne
Cadet Lee Quan
Cadet Bob Grant
Cadet Brad Talon

Lieutenant Joseph Francis
Operations officer
USB Typhon


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