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New Places to Explore

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2010 @ 8:59pm by Commander Jack Tolren

452 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Docking Port 21C
Timeline: Current

The Victoria eased her way effortlessly through the starbase traffic, something which Mason found rare. Usually he was presented by a series of questions, prompted by Starfleet Security, on why he was where he was, what he was doing there, and how long he intended to stay. The latter question always seemed like a request not to stay.

This time, however, it was unusually different, he had sent a flight plan a day in advance, turned up at the station, requested permission to dock and had almost automatically be allocated a small docking port in the interior of the station, and to make matters more interestng it seemed to be nestled amongst various other civilian ships so no-one would really care about his movements. Maybe this was a new Security trick, to try to get him to relax, not that he wasn't usually relaxed, but on this occasion, he felt a little more tense than normal.

Jinn, the pilot, slid the ship alongside the huge wall of the interior of the starbase and held her in position as the docking latches extended and locked into place. A green light on the panel illuminated and he began the standard shutdown sequence.

"That's it boss, we're here, docked and shutting down," Jinn reported. "Can I get drunk now?"

Mason nodded, "just remember to watch for security lurking, I don't want to have to break you out of a cell again."

"I think Starfleet might have the sense to transport inhibit their cells DC," Jinn replied, laughing. "I hardly call beaming someone out of one a break out."

"Well the Tamaerians didn't see it that way," Mason retorted, his face stern. "Now go, get drunk."

Jinn jumped out of the pilot's seat, grabbed a duffel bag and headed off the small bridge of the Victoria. The room contained a single 'command' chair where Mason usually sat, a pilot's seat which incorporated most of the usual starship Ops and Helm functions, and a weapons officer's terminal, along with a couple of other terminals which Mason had programmed to use for survey scanning and computer access. The whole ship was pretty small, and had a crew of four, himself, Jinn, Tamika - the engineer, and Smithy - the weapons man, a rarely needed resource on an ore survey and prospecting ship, or so you'd think.

The only thing missing from the crew was a doctor, and Mason was determined to get one at some point, perhaps one of those holo-docs would be a good idea. He nodded to himself grabbed his hat and headed for the airlock.

It was time to look around this new place.


David C. Mason and crew
NPCs written by Andy (Jack Tolren)


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