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Fruit Cakes, Part II

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2010 @ 5:21pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

367 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Jet-Engine Java
Timeline: Current

"CHIEF BOTANIST? CHIEF BOTANIST!!" a man yelled over the intercom system. "REPORT TO JET-ENGINE JAVA...PRONTO!"

Cody, hearing the message that carried throughout the ship, knew that this couldn't be good. 'What does a smoothie shop want a botanist for?' he thought to himself. 'Jet-Engine Java? The only thing I've ever done for them is brought them fruit from that farmer...' The botanist stopped dead in his tracks, realizing what may be happening. He jumped into the nearest turbolift, heading for the Promenade.


"FINALLY! Do you know how hard it is to get in touch with people around here?!" The owner, a tall and skinny man, seemed furious.

Trying to lighten the mood, Cody began, "Well, it is a big starbase...Now, what seems to be the problem?"

"WHAT...WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE PROBLEM?!" The owner's face started to turn red, something that made him look rather odd. "That fruit shipment you sent me...IT WAS ALL CONTAMINATED! People have been throwing-up every which way...And I'm having to give them there money back, for serving bad drinks...Do you know what this does to business?"

Just what the Chief Botanist feared. "Sir, I am extremely sorry. He was a new grower that we haven't dealt with before. His government is new to us, so we didn't completely know what their food-inspection agencies were like when I signed off. I will have the starbase pay you back every cent that you have lost through this endeavor. I assure you, this will not happen again."

"It better not," the owner mumbled, "or I'm having your head!"

=A= Starbase Typhon, this is your Chief Botanist. There is a base-wide recall from the most recent shipment of fruits. I repeat, there is a base-wide recall. If you believe you have purchased any of the bad fruit to sell, please come see me. To any and all that may have ingested the fruit and are feeling sick, please visit the base's medical facilities...I'm sure they will take great care of you. That is all. =A=


Lieutenant (JG) Cody Esposito (NPC)
Chief Botanist
USB Typhon

Trevor Soul
Civilian—Jet-Engine Java, Owner
USB Typhon


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