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Posted on Thu Aug 12th, 2010 @ 7:27pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

849 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Earth Beach House

Rebecka sat on the beach in a lounge chair watching as T.J. built a sandcastle. She had received a message that Admiral Burke needed to speak with her on fleet issues so Rebecka had invited her to meet her at the beach house. Her sister was getting some sandwiches ready for lunch. Dragon was bouncing around T.J. as he worked on his castle.

Kathryn watched T.J. for a moment. It had been a very long time since her own kids were that small. Smiling, she walked up to Rebecka. "Hello, Commodore. I hope I'm not interrupting."

"Admiral Burke, I have been looking for you actually. My sister is inside getting some sandwiches ready if you want to join us for lunch." Rebecka said as she came to her feet."

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't want to be a bother," Kathryn replied. "I have some news I needed to give you in person."

"This doesn't sound good." Becka said, "I'm not sure if I can handle anymore bad news."

One side of Kathryn's mouth quirked up. "I guess that depends on your perspective." Then, not wanting to keep Rebecka in suspense, she continued. "The situation on Ivel III has degenerated. The former government has been overthrown. The new government wants the starbase removed from their sector of space. Rear Admiral Wood has been recalled to Earth." She paused. "This leaves us without someone to head up Task Force 23. Fleet Admiral McGinley and I have discussed the problem and are in agreement. The position is yours, if you wish it."

"Mine?" Rebecka asked, "But I've barely gotten use to being a TGCO and I'm just getting use to my new ship, how will that affect me and my crew?" She asked.

"It won't. You'll still be in command of the Alabama. There will be no promotion and not change in anything except that you now keep an eye on Task Group COs instead of individual commanders. As for why you, with the recent problems on Ivel III and the T'karians, and the Chrysamerian problem, some of the senior commanders are being reassigned. Primarily, Captain Ohlsson of the Republic, who is one of the senior Captains in the fleet. You are eminently qualified and both Admiral McGinley and I feel you are up to the task."

Rebecka sat down deep in thought. This was a lot to take in especially with the events lately. "I guess I can't do anything but accept then." She said.

"Thank you," Kathryn said, her expression softening. "I'm sorry to hear about your husband." She looked over at T.J. "I'm glad your son is with you. He will help."

"I just got him back, he was with Tuval's family when the news came in." Becka said, "It has been rough."

"I can only imagine," Kathryn said. "But I do know how much family helps. Especially children."

"My sister is going to be joining us as well." Becka said. "It also seems I'm going to be getting a new XO who can relate to what I'm going through. Though I hate to loose Caroline."

"That's the hard part about being in Starfleet. You don't stay in one place long. Your new XO is an excellent officer. I believe he will serve you well."

"I hope so. If I'm over even more ships that means even more paper work." Becka said, "I'll need the help."

Kathryn chuckled. "That's why I have an assistant. I would drown in paperwork if I had to do it all myself. You should consider it as well. Your XO will have his hands full with your senior officers."

"I have Claudia, she is my yeoman. She had been a big help though I have an office and a ready room now. When I'm in my ready room she has a smaller desk closer to the door to catch people sometimes before they get to me if she can." Becka said with a laugh. "In my main office she has an office outside of mine so they have to go through her first."

"If it works for you, all the better. Molly is my assistant. She's lifesaver."

"She has been a big help with the paperwork side of things. I'd be lost without her." Becka said.

"Good.' Kathryn watched T.J. for a moment. "I won't bother you further. You need to enjoy your vacation." And Kathryn wanted to visit her grandchildren while she was on Earth,

Mary came out with lunch and set everything on the picnic table near by, "Lunch is ready if you want to join us." Mary said not knowing that Becka and Kathryn had already discussed it earlier.

T.J. came running, "Go wash you hands first." Mary said grabbing his hands before he turned everything into real SANDwiches.

"Thank you for the kind offer, but I need to run," Kathryn said with an apologetic smile. "Enjoy your lunch," she said before heading back the way she'd come.

Commodore Rebecka James
Commanding Officer, USS Alabama

Admiral Kathryn Burke
DCinC Theta Fleet


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