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Drone Attack

Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2010 @ 12:52am by Commodore Edward Fannin

186 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: MAS Gladus
Timeline: Day Two Enroute to Exeter


The drones activated directly in the path of Seven Fleet vessels. Cloaked and activated on the unobserved side of a large moon the convoy was passing. The Gladus took Six major hits including the Bridge killing her Captain and half the staff. Lt. Colonel Me'ow Purr was in critical condition and undergoing surgery with several others. The Executive officer took command of the vessel and ran damage control from the battle bridge with flawless precision.

The USS Thor would be returning to Starbase Typhon with wounded as soon as they were stabilized. She would be escorted by the USS Valhalla which was in need of life support repairs and out of action. Major Erwin Reynolds was now the the commander of the 21st Marines, Major Jerry Parino had a large bandage were his right thumb used to be... Marine casualties had been very light as they were berthed in armored sections of the vessel, but the on duty crew had suffered.. Major Reynold had established contact with fleet and advised to continue with his mission and that another Marine commander was on his way..



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