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Trouble with cleanups....

Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2010 @ 12:24am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams

1,339 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Outer Ring
Timeline: Current


Edward Fannin was walking between the boxes and crates blocking the isle of section 24. He looked at his Maintenance warrant.

"How did this get so messed up?" Fannin was looking towards the overhead crane. "Get some operators on that thing and clear some of this junk out."

One of the security people actually tried to shout a warning several crew didn't hear it as the personnel mine exploded...

The last thing Edward saw was the flash..

[Security Offices]

The red alert klaxon sounded suddenly. Krang was so startled he almost dropped his coffee. He tapped his commbadge, "Darkmoon to Ops, what's with the red alert?"

[Main Ops]

"I'm not at the ops console I was working on something for Fannin. Let me check" Anna said and moved to a console and used her access to call up a report. "There was an explosion in the outer ring. Captain Fannin was heading to that area take a team there, I'll notify medical to send a team and I'll met you there." Anna said.

"I have to advise you that you are bound by regulations to stay in Ops. With Commodore Fannin and Commander Tolren in the affected area you are the next one on the chain of command. You're in charge till we find either of the other two." Krang said sternly, already arranging emergency transport to the area.

Anna stopped, that thought had not dawned on her yet. She was currently the commanding officer of the station. "Understood, I'll head to command central and control things from there." She said then opened a com to medical.

"We need a medical team to the outer ring there has been an explosion prepare for triage conditions." Anna said as she made her way back to operations.

In his office, Basil tapped his comm badge. "I'll have triage set up when the wounded get here, Commander!" He turned to his console and pressed a paging button. "Alpha Team and Bravo Team to outer ring, STAT! Prepare for burns and shrapnel! Assess initial conditions and send to triage. GO!" This was the part of his job he hated. He strode purposefully into the main bay and addressed Charlie Team. We're about to have casualties, and a lot of them! I want a full triage set up in two minutes! GO!

Krang transported to an area about 50 meters from the source of the explosion. The smell of smoke and various burning substances was near nauseating. Among all the other smells was the very distinct smell of burning flesh. He tapped his commbadge again. "Darkmoon to Ops, expedite that medical team. We have casualties down here. You might want to send an engineering team too."

"Medical emergency beam a team to Commander Darkmoon's location." Anna said the opened a link to engineering. "Engineering we need at team on the outer rings. There has been an explosion, sending the section to your console now." Anna said.

A young ensign responded, "Ma'am this is Ensign Jackson, I'm the ranking officer here at the moment."

"Then I need you to take a team of officers to the outer rings now. If you need the assistance I can send some of my operations officers as well."

"Yes ma'am," he replied and the link closed.

Anna turned to the officer behind her, "Ensign Maug take a team to the outer rings to help with clean up efforts."

Kran nodded, "I'm on it Chief." he said and started pointing at various people who fell in line behind him and headed off.

Krang made his way closer to the area. He held his arm in front of his face to act a little as a filter against the smoke. He found a way into the cargo bay and found the location of the explosion. He scanned the area with his tricorder. He found very weak life signs about 20 meters to his right, beneath a crate.

When he pulled off the crate, he found the Commodore. "Oh this is bad." he shouted. He signaled to one of the medics that was just arriving. "Over here!"

Ensign Reynolds ran over to Krang, and saw the Commodore. Whipping out a medical tricorder, she did a quick scan, then put her fingers to Fannin's Carotid. She swore. Tapping her comm badge, she practically shouted. "Sickbay! Commodore Fannin's been severely injured! Multiple shrapnel wounds and burns! Victim is unconscious but breathing on his own! Pulse is rapid and thready! Request Emergency Transport directly to sickbay ICU!" Without a response, Fannin vanished in a sea of sparkles, and Reynolds moved on to the other victims.

Raven heard the red alert klaxon and went quickly to her computer to find out what was going on. An explosion? She checked security and medical to see what she could find. This didn't seem to be a typical accident. She began to trace cargo transfers to see what may have come in -- and who may have caused it.

Anna wanted to know what was going on she wanted to be down there helping but all she could do was monitor things from there. She tried accessing internal sensors to see if they were working so she could watch. Once she had a video feed she also continued moving her fingers across the access panels to lock down the station no ships were to leave until further notice just in case the person who caused this was still on the station. On another monitor Anna started reviewing the footage to see if she could find anything that might tell them how this happened.

The teams from operations and engineering arrived on the scene and moved in awaiting orders for fear of contaminating a crime scene. They stepped over to Krang who seemed to be in charge at the moment and spoke, "Sir what do you need us to do to help?"

"Secure the area. This is, without question, an active crime scene. No one in or out without my say so. Get an explosives team down here before anyone moves anything. We don't want a repeat performance."

The group moved into position, they weren't security officers but they could help make sure no one contaminated things in the meantime. The Young ensign leading engineering sent a message back to main engineering for the explosive specialist to get down to their location pronto. They could help clean up once everything had been investigated.

[Command Central]

Anna first started with a few minutes before the explosion. She wanted to know if they could tell what happened since anyone that might be able to tell them was wounded or dead at the moment. She watched as a security officer moved one of the crates and a device with a blinking red light was found. Though there was no audio it was obvious a warning was shouted then the explosion. The executive officer had been in the shot when the security officer shouted. There was no way either of them could have moved away in time.

Raven watched the video footage. Her Intel clearance gave her access to a great deal of information. She saw the device and began to backtrack.

Krang's team began to search the area. After a few moments, one of his officers shouted an expletive and started pushing everyone around him away from a section of crates. "Commander, you might want to get over here!" he called.

Krang hurried over and could not believe his eyes. Behind a stack of crates was a large store of explosives and several tanks of what looked like poisonous gas. "Everybody clear the area. Somebody get a hazmat team down here stat!" he called.

Admiral Nick Stone listened to Commander Krang's messages and nodded to his staff, "One of you get down to sick bay and tell me if that fool Fannin is going to live.. That idiot has a way of getting in the way most of the time. This station may benefit from his being laid up a while."


Typhon Crew



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