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Intel Report To DCINC

Posted on Mon Aug 23rd, 2010 @ 2:41am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World


Admiral Stone entered the lobby area, he had his briefing message with him. He felt that the latest information was important enough to warrant a personal delivery to Admiral Burke..

Molly looked up, "Hello, Admiral. I assume you wish to see Admiral Burke?" Admiral Stone only came to the office to pass on information, so it was a fair assumption. "The Admiral's in her office. Just ring the chime."

Stone hit the chime. "Thanks Molly."

"Any time," she replied, giving the Admiral a friendly smile.

Kathryn was at her desk, going through a never-ending stack of 'confidential' memos. When her door chimed she looked up in relief. "Come in." She saw Rear Admiral Stone and stood. "Hi. What can I do for you?"

"Got some disturbing news Ma'am, you may want to consider a fleet wide alert." Stone came forward to the Admirals desk.

She waived him to a seat and sat down behind her desk. "What news?" she asked.

Our Marines were attacked while a day out from the station by a field of drones.. The USS Thor and The USS Valhalla were both damaged and returning with many wounded. The MAS Gladus shall be moving on to continue the mission. It appears Lieutenant Colonel Purr was one of the casualties, she will be returning. Good news? Colonel Heckleburg has rejoined the unit and the 21st is still very combat capable to continue on. The XO of the Gadius has assumed command and doing a fine job despite the loss of her veteran Captain in the attack."

Kathryn listened carefully. "Only a day from the station? What kind of drones? From where?"

"The launch took place as they dropped from warp to navigate a heavy cluster of planets, The drones were activated by remote or tripped by the presence of the lead vessels. The drones we believed were used were a Dominion variant used by Cardassians. There was over seven hundred of them and activated in waves from several attack points."

"So someone -- or some group -- deliberately placed them there for you," Kathryn mused. "How far have the investigations gone to date?"

"As yet no investigation has been started, that's why I'm here. The Ships will continue on to Exeter. My plan was to request a few additional vessels to picket the area and see what they can come up with. The attack was in Federation space and as far as I can see so far had to have been a Cardassain operation. They could be working with the Breen on this to slow our response to it's target."

"Are you even sure it was the Cardassians? Could it be another group trying to make it look like the Cardassians?"

"We have a few assets in the union, they have been advising us of certain factions in the Union that may be prepared to take power. The information could be disinformation also. I would think that the Breen having attacked several planets, including Exeter would have a large interest in seeing the Task force destroyed."

"Yes, they would. We have several groups who would like to see us go to war. It would strengthen their position with their allies," Kathryn said.

Stone got up from the chair. "I'll send word if I hear anything new, I have a feeling that our Marines are in for a good fight on Exeter. Rumor is the Seventh Marines and the Tenth Marines are gathering to move ."

"Keep me apprised," Kathryn said, standing as well. "Thank you for the update."


Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone
Chief Fleet Intelligence
Theta Fleet

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Deputy Commander-in-Chief
Theta Fleet


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