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Sending Back News

Posted on Sun Aug 22nd, 2010 @ 5:51pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Command
Timeline: Current

Anna opened a communication with the Colonel after his message was forwarded to her with Captain Fannin currently in sickbay. She sat waiting for the connection to go through to fill him in as best as she could. For now there were still too many details that were unanswered.

Wilhelm was seeing to the breaking out of medical supplies from the hold of the Gladius when he received a summons to the COMM Room for a live feed from CO of Starbase Typhon. Handing off the job to a 3rd Battalion Captain Wilhelm entered the COMMs area and hit the waiting message. "Commod.....Commander Johnson? Surpirising seeing you ma'am. I expect you have some news?"

"I have," Anna said, "There has been one explosion already we have at least two confirmed dead the XO is among those. More explosives and ammunitions have been found we have a team working on that now as we have yet to determine if they are active. Captain Fannin was in the area of the blast and has just gotten out of surgery but the next twenty four hours will tell us more there. I received request for back up from Tiberius V right after the explosion. For obvious reasons the station is under lock down so no ships can leave and we are only allowing docking in emergency situations as we don't know if the person who brought them on is still on the station and we don't want to risk them leaving if they are. I'm still unsure on the count of the number of injured people that were in the area as they are still being treated." Anna said, "Therefore, at least for the moment I am acting commanding officer of this station and that is why I returned your message."

"Well you have been busy. I hope the Commodore recovers swiftly. Has any units outside of Typhon been routed to Stonebreaker?"

"I've sent out a request for ships in the area to go to their assistance. If anyone has gone they have not contacted me yet. I keep sending the message trying to get a response." Anna said.

Wilhelm responded, "Well under lock down that is all you can do." Wilhelm changed the subject. "Well hopefully you can find out about your saboteur."

"I hope they are still on board so we can hopefully find out who they are with and so they can be punished for what they've done." Anna said.
"I want to see justice here"

"Ohh so do I. If we were back on base I'd have my Marines for a good old fashioned shakedown. Might just flush the buggers out." Wilhelm responded.

"Just bring them all back in one piece for us. I'll let you know if we have any developments that concern you." Anna said.

"Yes ma'am. We'll see you when we get back." Wilhelm finished.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer (Acting CO)
SB Typhon


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