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Tired and worried

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2010 @ 3:25am by Captain Anna Johnson

519 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Command
Timeline: Current

Anna had been reviewing footage from before the explosion while sending engineering and ops crews to various locations. Security had been increased through out the ship and most of the civilians were in their quarters waiting further news on the situation which she just didn't have at the moment. Anna let out a big sigh.

She sent a message to Raven asking for her help in reviewing the footage. Then saw she had a message from Jana. A rather panicked message. Anna pressed a button that would open a picture chat to their quarters and Jana was relieved to see her sister on the other side of the monitor. "I'm fine Jana. Both the CO and XO were injured in the blast though which means I'm acting CO for now. I'm going to be here on the bridge for a while. Just stay in our quarters for now until we are done searching the station to make sure things are contained to the one area. If you are out and see anything suspicious leave it alone and let me know okay?"

Jana nodded, "Will do, you be careful too." Jana said.

"I'll be careful don't worry we need each other after all." Anna smiled, "I've got to get back to work or maybe get a short nap on my sofa up here but either way I need to go for now." She said.

Jana nodded and closed the call.

Anna reached up and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She already had been on duty for nine hours. She let out a sigh and moved over to her office to make use of the replicator to get something to eat as her stomach had decided to announce its protest to being empty. There had to be something in the security footage that would give her a clue as to who was behind this attack. She had to find something. She also wanted to check on Fannin so she sent a message to sickbay asking to be told when he was able to have visitors which she didn't expect to be for at least twenty four hours.

As she ate someone else came in with yet another PADD for her to read up on what was going on with the station. She took it and read it with one hand while she ate her sandwich with the other. The door chimed again and Fannin's secretary stepped in offering to help and Anna gladly accepted. She would handle the reports for a few hours so that Anna could at least get in a nap even if she stayed at command.

Anna finished the last report she had been given as well as her meal then replicated a blanket and a pillow and set things up on the couch. Once she got settled on the couch it wasn't long before she dozed off. Though she was tossing and turning as she did her mind not letting her get completely to sleep with all the things that were running through it.

Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations and Acting Commanding Officer Starbase Typhon


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