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Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2010 @ 12:21am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

377 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: MAS Gladius
Timeline: current

Wilhelm beamed into a scorched transporter room on the MAS Gladius. He let out a low whistle at the damage. Walking off the transporter pad Major Reynolds rushes in to meet him.

"Don't look good sir, Colonel Purr is gone, Sent Her to Typhon as the wounds were bad, Major Parino lost his Ear but still with us. Most of the unit is good. It was the crew that took the hits."

"That's unfortunate Major. I hope Colonel Purr makes a full recovery. Have you heard if this ship is still combat effective and warp capable? Or are we going to have to find some alternative form of transport?" Hackleberg asked.

"Should be back on track in a few hours at the most, I"ve sent our engineers to help out the crew."

"Good, and I assume our Corpsmen are helping out where they can of course. Is all of our equipment still secure in the Cargo Bays?"

Jerry Parino walked up A large bandage wrapped around his head. "Just got done checking out the equipment Sir, everything is good, not a scratch. The shuttle bays were well armored mostly around the troop and ammunition compartments."

Major Reynolds dropped his head. 'The Captain and most of his staff are dead. The XO was on the ball and saved the ship Sir. He's on the Battle Bridge if you need to see him, but he's got his hands full at the moment."

"I'll leave the XO to do his business, send a runner to him, give him my compliments and inform him the USS New Ironsides is standing to, to be of any assistance. I also request a status report in one hour. Also, I believe we should get the Razor's out in a CAP since we're stuck here for a little while anyways." Wilhelm looked over Major Parino, "Trying to get the Purple Heart the easy way Jerry?" Wilhelm said with a chuckle.

"No sir, really wasn't sure what happened, think it was flying debris that nailed me."

Reynold turned about on his way to the battle bridge to get things Started with the new CO of the Gladus.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Major Erwin Reynolds (NPC)
Third Battalion, 21st Marines


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