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Wanting information

Posted on Sun Sep 5th, 2010 @ 9:36pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

644 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Security
Timeline: Before Anna Spoke to the Admiral

Anna had checked where Krang was at the moment and made her way there. She had been stuck on the command center and wanted more information. She wanted to know what if anything had been found so far. She tapped her com badge to find out where he was, "Commander Darkmoon, I know you are busy right now but do you have a moment for us to discuss what has been found so far?" She asked.

"I can squeeze in a few moments Commander. I am heading toward main security to coordinate a search for two suspects. You can meet me there."

"I'll be there shortly." Anna said, as she headed toward the nearest lift that would take her to the main security area. She arrived a short while later hoping for some answers. "What have you got for me so far?" Anna asked.

Krang answered, "Well, to be honest, not much. We found Breen fuses near the blast site and are tracking two Breen that were picked up on sensors hurrying from the area just after the explosion. We also found a large cache of more explosives and four tanks of poison gas in a storage container near where the mine went off. I can tell you with crystal clear certainty that we got really, really lucky that the mine didn't set off the rest of it."

Anna handed him the footage she had gotten from Raven, "Commander Adams of one of them placing the device in the area. We got a pretty good capture of his face so that will help some." Anna said.

"That will help a lot." Krang answered. He took the PADD and typed in several commands and transferred the footage to the security personnel. "I will get a team looking for both of them right away." Then he looked back to Anna, "Do either of you have anything else?"

"You may want to talk to her yourself. I have what others have brought to me as I'm so busy with reports and trying to keep too much that is just rumors from getting out to the media that I haven't had time for anything else." Anna said.

"Right. She was going to be my next stop." Krang said and then he remembered something. "Oh, by the way, you're probably going to be receiving a complaint from a FNN reporter. She tried to push her way past the security tape at the explosion scene, and I sort of had to give her a gentle physical reminder that she had to stay behind the tape. Her camera man also might have tripped and fell down at the same time."

Anna nodded, "Thanks for the heads up, I'll be sure to deal with it when it gets to me. I don't want anyone contaminating that area, I want a solid case against the people that did this. There isn't anything else I need to know about is there?" Anna asked.

"No, no. No one else has 'fallen down' but I can't promise anything. These reports and 'rubber neck' gawkers are getting to be a real problem.

"That is part of why I locked things down, so we don't get more people here wanting a peek and getting in the way, the other is to make it harder for the people behind this to leave if they haven't already." Anna said.

"Absolutely. I would have done the same thing in your position." Krang agreed.

"Let me know when you think its safe to open things up again." Anna said.

"Will do ma'am." Krang responded. His commbadge chirped and he said, "I should really take this. I'll update you soon." And with that he turned to leave.

Anna nodded and turned to head back to the bridge.

Commander Anna Johnson
Acting Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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