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Assault landing Planet Exeter

Posted on Tue Sep 7th, 2010 @ 11:04pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Basil Hart & Captain Anna Johnson

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Red One
Timeline: Current


A high orbit was selected by the captain of the Gladius, All Marines in the 21st were standing by waiting for the word to board landing shuttles. Major Reynolds and Major Parino were loaded in full combat gear waiting in the main shuttle bay with the company commanders for all three regiments for the colonel to arrive.

General Khan looked at the tactical readout on his screen and dimmed his office lights. He didn't want any visual distractions to mar his observation of the assault.

In full combat gear, Wilhelm walks into the shuttle bay and up to the waiting group of officers, "Ladies and gentlemen. Everyone ready?"

All the Officers nodded, some growled in anticipation of the oncoming onslaught...

Wilhelm then continued, "As you all know our objective is to secure the capital city of Aurora and it's civilians. Reports and scans have indicated at least 10000 tangos in regimental size groupings all throughout the city and armed with mostly ballistic weapons. So make sure your men keep that body armor on! I hate sending letters of 'We regret to inform you...'".

Wilhelm hit a button on his tricorder and a map of the city, divided into six sectors, appeared before everyone. "Our initial assault will be into the residential areas of Sectors 1 and 3 to pull out as many civilians as possible. After we get those areas secure we will move into the commercial area of Sector 2 and the spaceport and tourist area of Sector 4. The city and government buildings in Sector 5 and industrial Sector 6 will be last. First and Second Battalions, along with the Headquarters Company will be among the first on the ground with Third Battalion in reserve. With the exception of instead of going with the HQ Company I will be dropping in the pods with Second Battalion as it's de facto commander. As we move into the main parts of the city we will adopt a "shotgun" style of perimeter where we will have our small units occupy different buildings to provide overlapping fields of fire to constantly have any enemy units looking the other way for incoming fire. Due to us being outnumbered ten to one we have to use superior tactics and firepower where necessary......"

A few minutes later Wilhelm was done with his pre deployment briefing which everyone hated but was a ritual before every combat operation since the beginning of time. Wilhelm looks at the rest of his assembled officers "Any questions?"

The room was silent, they were ready, Jerry Parino was actually smiling. Most one the company commanders were so green fear had not hit them yet, but the old hands new a meat grinder when they saw it... But it didn't matter to them.

"No questions? Very well, good luck to you all and I'll see you on the surface. TWENTY FIRST MARINES, DISEMBARK!" Wilhelm yelled loud enough for the entire shuttle bay to hear. Wilhelm saw the group of officers break up and headed to their units at the run. Wilhelm ran to the nearest turbolift and headed to the insertion pod launchers.

Major Parino gave Captain Amanda Fletcher a wave as they were the last loaded into the first wave of landing pods. Sgt Major Varnic right beside him helped strap the major down tight. "Remember, keep yer head down sir..."

Erwin Reynolds moved the third Battalion up to the next wave of empty pods, they wouldn't be loading until needed but he wanted them close for a launch if need be..

Wilhelm entered the pod deck and seen the members of the Second Battalion getting into pods and being pushed forward into the large launcher magazines. Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp came up to him, "Back into the fire again sir. Hope we dont get singged." Otto said to the Colonel who responded "Me to Otto, you and the Raider Squad know your mission correct."

"Of course Oberst. We're landing in the industrial side and working our way toward the rest of the Regiment causing as much merry hob as we can." Otto said with an evil grin.

"Just remember to verify your targets. Wouldn't want to court-martial you for shooting civvies. Good luck." Wilhelm said as he and Otto shook hands and they both ran to their respective pods. Wilhelm did a quick equipment check to make sure he had everything essential as he strapped into the insertion pod. After everything was taken care of the hatch was closed and Wilhelm felt the pod being pushed into magazine. Checking his helmet air fittings quick, Wilhelm felt the pod lurch forward as the one in front of it advanced. After two more jumps Wilhelm felt the pod push forward into the launcher itself then BAMM!!!

Wilhelm watched out the small viewing port as the Gladius became steadily smaller. An automated voice announced "Entry vector nominal and on target. Atmospheric entry in 40 seconds. Prepare for braking."

Jerry felt the tremble as the pod moved then shot out from the Main ship the force was startling several marines lost their stomachs to the delight of the older hands, sergeant Major Varnic was yelling at a few of them but Jerry couldn't here what he was saying..


Colonel Wilhelm Baron Von Hackleburg
Commander 21st Marine Regiment

Major Erwin Reynolds
Commander Third Battalion, 21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
Commander First Battalion, 21st Marines


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