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Command replacement

Posted on Sun Sep 5th, 2010 @ 5:23pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

626 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


Vice Admiral Vail entered to room as it was quickly called to attention. "At ease please" He walked to Commander Johnson his usual slow shuffle...

"Commander Johnson I need a few moments of your time."

Anna was drinking yet another cup of coffee as the Admiral approached. "Of course sir. Do you want to talk in my office?" She asked pointing in the direction of the Chief Ops office that had been hers since coming onto the station.

"Yes, that will do nicely", He followed her to the office and waited until the door closed.

"Can I offer you some coffee before we discuss what you need sir?" Anna asked.

"No Anna, I'm fine. This is your official word of command. Not much for flourishes but necessary just the same. Typhon is your command until Fannin either returns or a replacement is sent.. I realize no one enjoys getting a command this way but it couldn't be helped."

"I was already running things since I was second officer with the XO dead and Fannin out of commission for now it moved to me. I don't know that I'm ready for this but I'm doing it anyway." Anna said.

"I'm sure captain Fannin would be comfortable with you in command. He'll be back soon I'm sure. Has an investigation been launched?

"It has," Anna answered, "I have security and intelligence both looking into things. I've been getting some progress reports but not enough information for my taste so far. Just that we were lucky that for some reason the mine that went off didn't set off the rest of the explosives that were found near by. As soon as we have suspects apprehended I assure you I will let you know. The biggest thing is trying to keep this quiet as much as possible until we have facts and not rumors for the media to run with." Anna said.

"The crew will need your firm hand to get through this tragedy, Fannin will pull through this. I'm glad your here handling this matter. I shall need to know if there is any developments in the investigation."

"I will do my best to keep you informed Admiral." Anna answered with a nod.

"I know you shall, Your doing a remarkable job with Fannin down.."

"Thank you sir, I'm doing what I have to do." Anna said.

"For the time being your going to have to drop in a temp XO, I trust your judgment in this, gather your staff and get them busy. That will take their minds off personal issues."

"I have no idea who to ask, right now I need everyone where they are." Anna said.

"Well then... I shall offer my services to you as your Executive officer, just tell me what you need and I shall set forth." He bowed to Anna sweeping his arms behind his back...

"Considering you outrank me shouldn't it be the other way around?" Anna paused then added, "Sir."

"Not at all Commander, Your Captain recognized you as his XO, I have to respect that, now your the Captain of this Starbase, and need an XO. I'll give you a hand until he gets back on his feet. Besides I still know how to take orders.. Anna I'm just a Vice Admiral anyway..."

"Then right now the thing I need most is a chance to go sleep in my bed and get a sonic shower. Can you handle a bridge shift for me?" Anna asked.

"Yes Ma'am." Vail dropped a quick salute and headed for the bridge.

With that taken care of Anna left and headed to her quarters for some much needed sleep.


VAdm John Vail
Theta Fleet

Commander Anna Johnson
Acting Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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