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Sharing the Wealth, part 2

Posted on Wed Aug 25th, 2010 @ 3:04pm by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,467 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Trans Galactic Trading
Timeline: Current



That was one of the things that attracted her to Khiy. "I envy you that." She finished her drink and poured one more glass. "This will have to be my last or I won't be fit to walk back to my quarters without someone noticing and writing it up on the local news." She gave him a half-hearted chuckle but it was true. She had to show the proper deportment at all times when she was in public. Sometimes she wished she could run barefoot through the promenade, but she knew it was just fanciful thinking.


Khiy smiled and finished the remnants of his glass. He poured himself another as he spoke. "You don't have to go home tonight if you don't want to." The words were scarcely out of his mouth when he realised the implication of what he said. "By that I mean you can stay here. The couches are comfortable and I could replicate you a pillow and blanket."

His first statement sent her pulses racing. For just a moment she had thought he meant... Then she chastised herself. She wasn't his type. He was being nice offering her his office. Still, she considered saying yes. "I don't want to put you out of your office." She raised one eyebrow. "Would you really trust me alone in your office?"

"Yes, I would trust you." He didn't know why, but he believed it to be true. "Though for your sake I wouldn't want to leave you here alone." He wasn't sure if that statement was bourne out of truth or his own desire to be here with her. "If you would like I could sleep around the corner to give you some privacy."

Khiy shrugged at the thought of what he was proposing "I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. The truth is, I wouldn't mind sharing a few more drinks with you." He raised his glass tentatively to his lips.

"I do not feel uncomfortable," she said. She tossed back the contents of her glass and poured herself another. "I will stay." She looked up at him, her expression blank. "I do not wish to be alone."

"Nor do I." He wouldn't let himself read into her words as his mind was clearly biased.

Khiy stood up from his seat and took off his suit jacket; it felt suddenly hot in the room without reason. He walked over to his desk and draped the jacket over the chair and next undid the buttons on his cuffs before rolling the sleeves up on his arms.

He sat back down in his chair opposite Miral and finished the contents of the glass before pouring another round. He took his time filling the glass.

"You wont be disappointed. That couch is surprisingly comfortable." He said, allowing a few more drops of bloodwine into the glass. He could feel some of the heat bleed off now that he was more comfortable.

Miral couldn't read him. Sometimes she thought he might be interested. At others, he was clearly not. Now... she couldn't tell. Her expression became more closed and she pulled into herself a bit more. She'd already taken a big risk. Without some overture from him, she didn't dare open up more. She raised her glass in a toast. "To the Klingon Ambassador. May he be as easy to deal with next time." She took a drink and set the glass on the table in front of her.

Khiy laughed and shook his head. He picked up the bottle and took the liberty of pouring Miral another drink. "Sending alcohol to smooth things over is diplomacy I can get behind. Though I have to say that if I was involved in diplomatic relations I might be inclined to drop off the gift in person in the off chance that you would invite me in for a drink."

"You would always be welcome, gift or no gift." She was not one to get melancholy when she drank, but she did have a tendency to speak more openly. She took a sip of her drink and watched Khiy, appreciating the way he moved.

"I think I will take you up on that offer sometime." Khiy could sense his inhibitions beginning to lower. "I don't think I would need an excuse to come visit you anyways."

"I hope not," Miral said with a soft smile. "Come, sit by me and tell me about your business."

Khiy didn't need much more of an invitation. He picked up the remaining bottle of bloodwine and moved over to her side. He sat down closer than he normally would with someone sharing the space, leaving mere millimeters between himself and Miral.

"My business is my life, I've known it longer than anything else." He started once finally comfortable. "It's given a lot to me and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be doing something I love."

Khiy considered actually talking about his company for a moment, but stopped himself shy of going into it. His attention was drawn to something of far more interest to him than his career. He found himself infatuated with Miral and the voice that normally would have censured his actions was strangely silent. Although he could feel the blood wine taking action over him, he was remarkably clear minded and new with a certainty what he wanted.

"Lately, though, I've been wondering if I have been missing out on something special." He made clear eye contact with Miral.

She felt her breath catch in her throat as she looked back at him. For several moments she said nothing. "I became an ambassador because I felt restless. My life lacked purpose." She smiled softly, emboldened by the drink. "I now realize that I have been missing something as well." Something, or, as she was beginning to realize, someone. A part of her told her to run before she got in too deep. Before she allowed herself to get hurt. But that voice was faint and not very convincing. "Perhaps we should..." her voice trailed off as she was unable to complete her words.

Khiy's mind raced through the possibilities of how she would finish that sentence. In the end he came up with his own. "...See where this takes us?" He started leaning in closer to her.

"Yes..." she whispered. She didn't dare move for fear it would break whatever spell they were under. Afraid if she moved, Khiy would change his mind.

Khiy smiled and closed the gap between them slowly. He stopped within milimeters of her lips giving her one last opportunity to change her mind.

A soft moan escaped her lips when he stopped. She raised one hand and, with two fingers, gently caressed the side of his face.

That was all he needed to continue. He kissed her tentatively at first, but after a moment the kiss went deeper when it was received without rejection.

As the kiss deepened, Miral pulled Khiy closer. She caressed his neck, his shoulders, his hair. The kiss was more than she thought it would be and she found herself reveling in the feel of him.

Khiy let the moment last longer as he was completely engulfed in Miral's embrace. His hands found their way to her side and thigh, though he dared not go further without encouragement. His senses were heightened and every second seemed to last like minutes. Although he was being reserved, it was only by a narrow margin.

Miral broke the kiss and looked up at Khiy, her expression open and vulnerable. Her hand caressed Khiy's arm down to where his hand touched her thigh. She squeezed it gently in silent encouragement.

He gave almost an imperceptible nod as he leaned in again, this time moving with his entire body. Slowly he pushed deeper into the embrace and began to lay her down on the couch they were seated on. He had no notion to rush the moment, if anything he was taking his time, willing every second to last as long as it possibly could. The hand that was on her thigh began exploring further.

Miral wrapped her arms around his neck. For the first time in a very long while, she was going to listen to her heart. Her trepidation and insecurity melted away as she lost herself in his embrace.

In the last few moments before Khiy lost himself in Miral, a flurry of thoughts and doubts raced through his mind. Is this a good idea? Would this last? Could he really trust her? Could he really trust himself?

Despite it all there was one he did know; how he felt...and this felt right.


Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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