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In Closing and Debriefing - A Temporal Clean up.

Posted on Thu Sep 9th, 2010 @ 4:47am by Lieutenant Cole Russo & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams

1,001 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Subspace Communication - Priority clearance
Timeline: 6 Months After Blackhawk declared Missing

Jensen sat at his desk with Landover waiting for the admiral to come online. It had been an hour since the Blackhawk sent word to command that the ship had been involved in a temporal incursion and had returned to normåal space and time albeit a few months from when they departed. He was on route to starbase 317 to let off the crew members in medical stasis and to take on new crew.


Millie walked into Admiral Burke's office. "It's time to contact the Blackhawk."

Kathryn was deep into an update on the Marine situation on Typhon. She looked up, surprised at how much time had passed. "Thank you, Millie," she said, setting the PADD aside.

She entered the data into her computer and waited while she was connected to the starship.

When she saw the face of Captain Albertson, she smiled. "Good afternoon. I hear you wish to speak with me about your recent adventure?" she said, pulling up the information on another PADD in case she needed to refer to it.

"Yes, Admiral." Jensen said. "We are on route to Starbase 317, with some romulan guests, and our own crew members in need of medical attention." Jensen said. "I trust you got our logs on the events in the past weeks. As well as my science officers objections? Also I wanted to inform you I activated commander Landover as my new XO."

"I've read the reports. I wish to ask you a few questions, for the record," Kathryn said. "First, why did you go back in time?"

"The ship experienced an inverse temporal fold during a test of the slipstream drive unit." Jensen said. "I was not looking for a detour to the dark ages."

"That's why we don't use the slipstream drive," Kathryn said, nodding. "It has too many problems we still need to iron out. So, what did you want to talk to me about, specifically? I'm sure it's more than just asking if I received your reports."

"Well, Specifically I needed to inform you of the Romulans we found in Rome and that we are going to transfer to Starfleet intelligence. You may expect some murmuring from the Empire to smooth over, not to mention some plague victims that will need to be reassigned once they are cured."

"Interesting. We need to find out how the Romulans got there before we let their government know we have them -- if they're even from this time. When they came from is as important as why they were there to begin with," Kathryn said. "Are you sure you got all of them? I'd hate to have one of them left behind to mess up Earth's history."

"Yes, the computer did not detect any other Romulan bio signatures." Jensen said "There starship was consistent with our era, however they have been less then forthcoming.

"What of their ship? Did you copy their computer database and recent records?" she asked.

"Yes, It seems most of the data is still encrypted, my science officer also managed to salvage key components and systems before we scuttled the ship, all of which I intend to turn over to Intelligence at SB 317." Jensen said. "Of course if he had his way, It was the opinion of my science officer to leave the Romulans alone as he interpreted our interference as a violation of the standard and temporal prime directives, as I am sure you are aware as his formal protest was recorded in the logs you received."

"Admiral Stone is on Typhon. I suggest you turn it over to him. He can look it over and pass it on to Starfleet Intel," Kathryn said. "It was good thinking of your science officer to get the information. However, I disagree with him on about the Romulans. It is never a good idea to leave them alone and assume it's never a good idea to let them mess with Earth history. You did the right thing, Captain. If the Temporal authorities are upset, they can talk to me about it. From what I read in your report, the Romulans were never meant to be there."

"Agreed, Very well admiral, We can do a flyby of Starbase Typhon in 16 hours to transfer the data, salvaged components and our 13 angry house guests, into Admiral Stones care." Jensen said, "Is Typhon in any condition to receive the prisoners in its current state?"

Andrew was sitting off to the side, listening to the exchange. He felt like an outsider since he was one of the topics of conversation.

"You can drop off the prisoners and the information. I'll make arrangements for you to deliver them directly to Admiral Stone," Kathryn said. "I'm afraid you won't be able to actually dock as the station is under lock down."

"Of Course, Admiral we will be en route directly." Jensen said "Now as to my first officer: any word if his assignment here will be confirmed from command? I just activated him in a crunch so I would hope to make his assignment official and permanent now we're back, or as permanent as these things get."

Kathryn checked her computer for a moment. "Yes. You should get his orders shortly. He has been reassigned to the Blackhawk."

"Very well, Admiral" Jensen said.

Andrew smiled and said, "That was certainly easier than I anticipated. I wasn't exactly planning on staying here, but I guess it's as good as anything else I could have hoped for." Then he added with a chuckle, "I guess you're stuck with me for the foreseeable future."

Kathryn chuckled at the comment. "Is there anything else you need, gentlemen?"

"No, Admiral I think that about covers everything," Jensen Said. "We'll see you soon, Blackhawk out."

Captain Jensen Albertson
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Blackhawk
Theta Fleet
Played by - Cole Russo

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Deputy Commander-in-Chief
Theta Fleet
Played by - Raven Adams

Commander Andrew Landover
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Blackhawk
Theta Fleet
Played by - Krang Darkmoon


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