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Coming to

Posted on Thu Sep 9th, 2010 @ 4:43am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Krang Darkmoon

565 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Typhon's Main sickbay
Timeline: Current


The sedatives were beginning to wear off and two men in the room waited patently for Ed Fannin to return to the conscious..

Basil monitored the commodore's vital signs anxiously.

The position of his body told him where he was, sickbay... again. He wondered what had happened this time. Fannin knew by the tingling in his body that he had been out for a while and it seemed his skin was getting quite warm. He could move his head and feet wiggled his fingers and opened his eye's. Ed could see Basil watching him and raised his hand to give the doctor a thumbs up signal.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Commodore. How are you feeling?" Krang asked with what passed for a soft volume for him.

Well; I believe I'm ok. I'm very numb. I suppose I should be asking you, about my condition. More importantly was anyone else injured?"

"There were the typical burns and shrapnel wounds, and almost everybody will be OK," Basil interjected before Krang could speak. He wanted to see if Fannin was alert enough to catch the "almost". If he was, then Basil would tell him about the XO.

"Who else was injured?" Fannin moved around a bit on the bed.....

"Several people actually. Commander Tolren and a couple of others were killed." Krang responded.

Fannins eyes shut for a few seconds...Commander Johnson? She was with me ..wasn't she?"

Basil took the initiative. "She's fine, sir. Miraculously, she escaped serious injury."

Fannin sighed, "Have we any word about who or what did this to us?"

"We have a couple of suspects. We are still trying to find them as we speak." Krang replied.

"Well done, I'm glad your here Krang, Hunt them down. Before they hit us again. Basil, when will I ready for light duty?"

Basil shook his head. "Not for a while yet, sir. You had significant internal damage, and a concussion to boot. The last thing I want is to jump the gun and let you go before all that hard work I did pays off. Right now, you shouldn't even sit up. You might start bleeding again. Now, if you behave yourself and follow doctor's orders, I might be able to let you go in another day or two, and then only for LIGHT duty."

Ed looked at Basil, Thank you for saving my life Doctor, Your efforts shall be remembered. I'll take it easy for a few, besides Commander Johnson is fully capable of running this chunk of steel."

Krang nodded and said, "You can count on me, Sir. They will get caught if it means me searching the whole station room by room."

"Thanks, I'm not worried. Bring them in quick, lets get past this"

"Well, Commodore, you should get some rest now," Basil said, taking charge. He turned to Krang. "When you have news, just let me know, and I'll arrange for visiting hours." He grinned at the Klingon. "Don't tear them apart before you get a confession out of them."

"Right." Krang said. "If I do accidentally break one, I will bring them to you." he said with what passed for a laugh for him and then made his way out of sickbay.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer


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