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Sovereign Arrives

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2010 @ 2:59pm by Commander Jack Tolren

348 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Station Operations
Timeline: Current

Commander Jack Tolren was stood in the centre of the pit in the Ops Room of Starbase Typhon. The Captain had asked, in at attempt to keep it simple, that the room was known locally as the Bridge, a nod to the members of the crew who had served a huge amount of their career on starships, Jack was of course equally starbase and starship experience, so it made no difference to him.

The alpha watch, 0800 to 1600, was that of the Executive Officer or Commanding Officer, usually the Captain had much more important things to do than man the big chair and therefore the responsibility fell to Jack, not that he minded, but he was consistantly aware that several thousand lives could depend upon his decisions while he was here.

"Commander Tolren," a voice called on the comm system. It was an interal call from the Operations Officer. "We have a Sovereign-class starship on approach requesting docking clearance and immediate engineering teams, they have some refit work to complete, the USS Chester."

"And?" Tolren asked in response, unsure of why such a routine matter was being brought to his attention.

"We are also asked to place it under secure dock until the refit is complete and it's crew is announced sir, that information itself is being placed as restricted, station Ops and Command only."

"Right," Tolren replied. "I'll be right over."

He got up from the seat, ascended the ramp and made his way over to the Ops Officer and Operations teams area of the room, they had a superb view of the interior bay of the station.

"Inform security and have them clear internal pylon 2, we've not got anything parked over there," Tolren instructed the man.

"Aye sir," Lieutenant Francis replied, doing the job himself as to not compromise the security. "I'll ask Commander Couter to prepare engineering to receive the refit instructions, I believe it's some sort of renaming and final preparation for shakedown, the ship is brand new."

"Excellent," Tolren said with a smile. "I wonder who's going to get the pleasure of that beauty."


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