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Dark Cool night

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2010 @ 4:23am by Commodore Edward Fannin

232 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Searching for The Drone
Location: Sector 31145.7 / Coastal plains
Timeline: Current


The transport complete Ty stood beside his rather large pack, he immediately set to work checking all of his equipment and made sure it was functioning and powered up his headset hud display for a look around the dark landscape around him. The natural field he was standing in was knee high grass, he toggled to IR and saw a few sets of small red eyes of small animals. Ty didn't care for that, they could be just as deadly as a large predator. New planets were always a gamble with different species. He lock on one but the display searched all known animals with similar skeletal structures and found no matches.

Ty checked his TR 119 and made sure it was ready, strapped on his pack and got the sector map grid going on his knee padd, it blinked and went dim. He gave the Padd a good slap and it blinked to life. He could see his first way point direction several hundred meters away, looking up he wouldn't need to cross the path of any of his new little friends and started off. Ty had about Four hours until dawn here and as the night was cool is was very clear. With any luck he could make it to the first objective and be in place to observe the situation before the Sunrise...


TY / Seven
USB Typhon


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