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Doctors Visit

Posted on Sun Oct 10th, 2010 @ 6:43am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

429 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Sick bay, Typhon station
Timeline: current


Fannin was sitting at the computer as the Doctor entered.

Basil frowned. "You know, Commodore, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to extend your stay in my sick Bay. You're supposed to be in bed resting."

"I am resting!, look at how well I look. Surely a medical expert such as yourself could see the miracle work you have done. Actually I have been trying to talk Morgan into letting me continue my recuperation in a quiet location in Damron city."

"While I appreciate your compliments as to my skill with the surgeons tools, I am a firm believer in the philosophy of do it right or do it over. As a commanding officer, you of all people should know that if your instructions are not followed, bad things tend to happen." Basil smiled kindly. "We're in much the same situation, you and I. Now if you behave yourself and get back in bed for another 24 to 48 hours, I'll see if I can't facilitate that recuperation in Damron city. Notice I said facilitate and not expedite. I'll let Morgan know about the slight delay."

Edward nodded and wheeled back over to the bed. " I'm sorry. It's just hard to sit here, how about joining me for a nice vintage cigar?"

Basil quirked an eyebrow. "You're kidding, right? Look, Edward: I know the sick Bay is not the funnest place to be. Hell, if I were in your shoes, I'd be fidgeting so bad people would think I'd had half a dozen raktajinos at one sitting! But your body does things at its own pace. If you push it too hard at this early stage, it may not let you know before it breaks again. Give it another day or two to heal, and I might just wheel you all the way to Damron city myself!" He grinned. "Besides, my brilliant skills as a surgeon can only compensate so much for my patient's impatience." He placed his hand on Edward's shoulder. "Give it one more day, sir, and then I'll be glad to kick you out after I made sure you're okay."

"OK, deal... I'll be good"

"Excellent, Commodore." Basil said. "Besides, as long as you're my patient, I outrank you." He chuckled as he helped Edward return to bed. Then he headed for his desk to catch up on some paperwork. "I'll have a nurse check up on you, so stay there!"

He ducked into his office.


Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Commodore Edward Fannin
Star Base Typhon


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