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Night Strike

Posted on Fri Nov 26th, 2010 @ 8:19am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ian Casey

366 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter, sector Two
Timeline: Current


Two AM local time and Gunny Varnic had the battalion on line. Jerry looked at the tactical hud display of his units. Twelve Fox vehicles to the front and sixteen Margo swift assualt buggies tucked in behind them loaded for Two days of mayhem. The third company was on foot bringing up the rear as security but would fall behind quickly as the armored sweep got started...

Jerry waved to Major Reynolds and gave the order to move out. All scan sensors were set to detect traps and road mines.. Their first rally point was an enemy position on the reverse of a low barren ridge, a ten minutes drive would put the lead element of Six vehicles on it very quickly.
Varnic hit his mic, "Jammer control, start your fireworks."

"AFFIRMATIVE, ROUNDS OUT" came the replie from Major Reynolds command post. Soon the ridge to their front lit up with heavy explosions and arcing strobe detonations.


Major Parino was watching from the observers seat in the command vehicle, the screens went blank when the strobes hit. His eyes hurt and he dropped his eye shield down and watched his command hud as they gained the ridge his unit came to a screeching halt.

He could hear gunfire in the distance, he heard banging on the side hatch and a Marine opened it and jumped out followed by the rest of the squad. He stood and opened the top hatch to see what was going on. Looking down he could see lumps of smoldering commandos being checked for intel...

Varnic was back on his mic, "Major, notify command we have reached rally point one. Tell them as soon as the margos sweep the area we're off to checkpoint Two. No casualties to report. The commandos had anti-tank weapons but didn't get the chance to deploy them I have eight dead commandos here. Probably just an observation post."

Wilhelm was listening to the COMMs with a smile time to get the rest ready. "All Linebacker units prepare to advance. Switchback units on hot standby for targets of opportunity. Jammer units continue..."

To be continued....


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