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Finding the Pattern

Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2010 @ 2:54pm by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

805 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Intel Conference Room
Timeline: Current


Khiy was as good as his word. Within a week, Raven had information connecting the space mines with the bombing on the station. Not wanting to waste time, she contacted Commodore Fannin, Anna and Krang and asked them to meet her in the Intel conference room for a meeting.

She arrived early so she could set out the PADDs and get herself a cup of cocoa. She liked having a moment of quiet to compose her thoughts.

Anna walked in with an extra large cup of coffee. It was obvious on her face she was over stressed and would be glad to see the people behind this apprehended. She nodded and Raven and took a seat.

Krang lumbered into the conference room with a mug of coffee in one hand and a large carrot in the other.

The fuzzy image of Ed Fannin appeared on the view screen, "Greetings all"

"Thank you for coming," Raven said. "I've been working with some contacts on the station and we've uncovered information that connects the space mines with the explosion. They're both tied to OreCo and the mining rights to Turkana IV."

"That's interesting. I guess it's not really a surprise though." Krang said thoughtfully. "That would explain the explosives."

"No, it's not surprising," Raven replied. 'But it does explain a lot of things. And, if we can get this guy, we can solve three mysteries at once and restore some order to the station."

"The problem is most of the time people who operate like this would quite often die than face the punishment they know they will receive. If we make him feel trapped he is just as likely to kill himself than surrender." Anna said.

"Yes," Raven agreed. "But if we can prove this guy's responsible for the bombing by talking to the informant, we can put the matter to rest."

"We do have an advantage here, but it should be handled swiftly and safely as possible" Fannin stated from his hospital bed.

"Very well it sounds like that is where we need to go next. What do you think Mister Darkmoon?" Anna asked.

"That does seem to be the logical choice" Krang said, affecting a flat, almost Vulcan voice.

"Very well let's get this set up. Narrow down the ones behind this and attempt to apprehend them alive so they can be tried for their actions against the Federation." Anna said. "I want the two of you to continue to work together to get these people in the brig."

"Yes, ma'am. Right away." Krang said quickly.

Raven tapped her commbadge, having already set it up so she wouldn't have to mention Khiy's name. "We're about done here. Do you want me to bring Commander Darkmoon by for a meeting?"

Khiy leaned against his desk and tilted his head to the side as he considered Raven's request. He didn't like the notion of bringing in more people than was necessary, especially if one of them happened to be the chief security officer for the station.

He pressed the comm button on his desk "You know I'm not a fan of Starfleet Raven." He then sighed while the link was still open "But if you think he knows enough not to ask too many questions, you can bring him by."

Raven turned to Krang. "Can you accept what little you're given and not ask for more information?"

"That all depends. I can't promise I won't ask questions. It is my job and duty to perform a full and complete investigation." Krang replied.

"And it's my job to get to the bottom of this. If I have to use special connections, so be it," Raven said with a benign smile. "The Federation has given me special dispensation to cut deals. This is one of those deals. You can ask questions, but there's no guarantee you'll get an answer. You will need to accept that or you will simply get my report."

"I understand 'special dispensations' but I can't run a murder investigation on information from an unconfirmed, unidentified source."

"Then you'll just have to trust me," Raven said. "I'm not able to divulge all my contacts. They wouldn't work with me if I did." She stood and looked at the others. "I will send you my report as soon as I get the information." She turned to Krang. "I'll give you what I can, but for now, it might be better if I go to this meeting by myself. " She stood. "The information on the PaDDs will give you a good start. I'll have more to you soon."


Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading

Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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