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Checking In

Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2010 @ 3:06pm by Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster & Captain Anna Johnson

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: current


After a short while, Foster made his way up to deck 12, only to find out that the station's commander was away.

Luck was on his side, however, when Garrett found out that the station's XO was his predecessor. He could kill two birds with one stone. Smoothing his tunic, Garrett Foster walked up to the XO's office door and pressed the chime.

Anna was pouring herself a cup from the freshly made pot of coffee when the chime rang. "Enter," She called as she turned back to add the cream to the cup as well.

Garrett walked through the parted doors, and gave a brief salute. "Ma'am," he said, standing just inside the doorway. "Garrett Foster, Typhon's new Chief of Operations. I just wanted to poke my head in and check in with the brass, but I'm told the Commodore isn't around at the moment."

"He should be returning in the next few days." Anna said returning salute. "Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?" She asked before she took her own seat.

Garrett walked toward the chair and had a seat in front of his new boss. "No, thanks-- all I did on the runabout was snack and drink." He smoothed his tunic. "I hear you're the one I'm replacing. I'm sure we'll have all the time in the world to compare notes on the minor stuff, but is there anything I should know from the beginning?"

"Most of the ships have their supplies as we have just recently gone down from red alert to yellow. The main thing is making sure all of our shops get their supplies as they come in or get replicated for now." Anna said taking a seat and sipping her coffee.

"Which means there's going to be a frenzy of transport ships trying to come in. Do we expect any kind of delays on the docking side of things? If everyone's waiting for supplies at once, there's going to be a queue outside the starbase, eventually. How's the ops staff around here? Do they require a lot of hand holding?" Garrett said, running through a million scenarios in his head.

"Lieutenant Conner and Ensign Maug have been the biggest help since we have been waiting on your arrival. With them on your side the department pretty much runs itself. You have a good group, they follow orders well and keep things organized. As far as docking goes, we have the schedule
pretty much lined up for the next several weeks to get the supplies in so you should be set." Anna said.

Garrett let out a sigh of relief, and smiled. "What a relief! I thought on top of learning this station and my crew and settling in a new job, I would have a crisis to solve on short notice. I'm meeting with Lieutenant Spencer in a bit for a run down of the department and I'll meet with the department at shift changes tomorrow to put names to faces. Somewhere in there, I've gotta unpack, settle in and learn where in this thousand-deck behemoth everything is. Before I politely bow out, is there anything you require of me in the short term while I'm settling in?"

"Not at them moment, If you end up with any questions let me know and I will see what I can do." Anna answered.

"Will do. Thanks for the welcome -- I'm sure in a couple weeks this'll feel like home. If you do excuse me, Ma'am, I'm going to check in and make sure my personal effects actually made it to my quarters before the watch change occurs and I have to spend an hour locating my things. Pleasure meeting you."

And with that, Garrett stood up, shook Anna's hand and walked out the door.


Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster
Chief Operations Officer

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer


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