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Co Arrival Starbase 347

Posted on Mon Nov 29th, 2010 @ 9:32am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

713 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: main shuttlebay Dock 17
Timeline: Current


The Danube was on final when Fannin called the Typhon control. Edward asked for the XO to meet him if she was available. It had been a short trip. He had a lot on his mind. Most of all his meeting with Deloran. He knew this was going to be a problem. The shuttle locked into the dock at bay 17 with a clunk and the Danube pressured up to station gravity. Hatch open we walked out to the landing.

Anna was standing outside of the docking area waiting anxiously for the Commander to return. She smiled when she saw him stepping across to where she was standing. "Welcome back sir." She said.

"You have know idea how glad I am to be here" he shook her hand and zipped through the security station. "Hows things been here? I received
word we have a few new members on the staff. Have you met them yet?"

"They have both checked in with me when they found that you were not on board. I had made sure the two departments were running smoothly so the transitions for them should be easy." Anna answered.

"I'm sure they're glad they aren't walking into a total chaos situation here. We'll be waiting for Admiral Stone to arrive with additional data. He should be a day or so behind me, I'm hoping to be able to jump back into duty after a shower and a quick change. I slept all the way here so I'm pretty fresh."

"Glad to hear it. My stress levels are probably through the roof right now. I'll be glad to have you back to ease some of that." Anna said.

"Know problem here Just let your ops staff know I'll be there in an hour or so, it's pretty late into third shift so I'll catch up with the rest of the staff while I'm up there. I'm hoping to meet the new Chief Engineer. I'd like to talk with him about a makeover on my quarters." Edward stopped at the lift station. "Why don't you take a few days with Jana. I can take this for a few days."

"If you do talk to the engineer don't use the phrase 'makeover' he is text book Vulcan. I asked him to take a seat and he told me that it would be too bulky to take with him but if I wanted it removed he would send someone to take care of it for me." Anna said, "I think a couple of days off would be wonderful." She added.

"Ha, you must be kidding. Well that's a true Vulcan for you. I'll be very specific what I ask for then. I have your coffee and a few things for Jana in my baggage. I'll send it down as soon as It catches up to me. By the way have you heard anything about my meeting Princess Castlemere in Paris? I have heard the newsies are having a field day with it."

"I haven't kept up with much news that didn't directly involve the fleet. Plus anything like that if I did hear it I would wait and get the true story from you before I assumed anything." Anna said. "What happened that have media on you?" She asked.

"I was a guest at a Federation banquet and slammed into Her Royal Highness Ugenia Castlemer-Gates... I'll let you know it was a life changing event for the both of us."

"Love at first site has never worked for me. Every time I think I'm in love the guy gets reassigned or avoids me and I don't know what becomes of him." Anna said. "If it works for you great."

Fannin stopped at the mid level lift station and stepped from the lift. "Well this is my stop. I never thought meeting another human would be so painful. I'll see you in a few hours. Get some rest and have fun"

"I'll reserve some holodeck time for tomorrow. I haven't been to a beach in a while." Anna said.

"Excellent idea, I'll see you soon." Fannin lifted his small bag and passed through the security scanner to the Fleet Flag officers residential corridors.

Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer, Task Force 42

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer



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