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Forward Battalions, 21st Marines

Posted on Thu Dec 2nd, 2010 @ 10:54am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Sergeant Major Shran van-Zee [von Hackleburg] & Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Sector Two, City of Aurora, planet Exeter
Timeline: Current


Erwin Reynolds had lost contact with several of his Margos... it had been thirty minutes and moved C Company up as fast as he could. Captain Fletcher would drive on till she made contact. He had just talked with Major Parino who was pinned down. None of his comanies could move, but that was all about to change as the regiments support artillary was about to start this little war out right, Just needed to get the OK from the skipper..

Wilhelm ducked as another disruptor blast went sizzling overhead. He seen Sergeant Major van-Zee came running up to him, "Their trying to flank us on the right sir! Regimental strength at least!" Wilhelm looked quickly at the map, "We need need to deny the right flank. All units on the right to fallback to this line in a 90 degree angle off of the main line...." Just then a call came in from Reynolds, "Very good Major. They may clear their guns. Expect fire missions from our positions......Now where the hell is that air support?" Wilhelm said as he turned back towards his tenuous postion.

Reynolds switch frequencies and contacted the fire control center, "Big Ranger I need a heavy Package foe the skipper. Run scans to his front ant fire for effect.. Go HE no spotting rounds"

"Rounds out sir"

Wilhelm was watching a large formation of of merc troops marching on his position. Even though his right flank units were massively out numbered they were falling back in good order. He shifted his binoculars back tothe on coming attack when he seen large explosions hit behind them..." Big Ranger this is Marine One. Drop 200. Left 50. Fuse for air and ground burst. Fire for effect!"

"Big ranger copy... sending you a double dip" Reynolds could hear the explosions now, and there were many...

Wilhelm watched as his line settled into a right angle defensive formation, when a pressure wave hit him. "Damn!" Wilhelm said as Hell itself opened up on the enemy regiment. After a couple minutes of bombardment the enemies will broke and they began to retreat. "2nd Battalion to previous positions. Big Ranger released to other duties."

"Big Ranger, standing by." Majors Reynolds in command of Two companies moved forward in support of Captain Flecthers company which was now fighting a running engagement along a main highway leading into the Main section of the city. He kew their was a large force of mercenaries between him and Parinos base of fire Soon he would turn and smash into the rear of their positions leaving Fletcher to gard his back at the edge of the city.

Wilhelm watched as Second Battalion moved into it's original postions. When completed, Wilhelm noticed a severe dropoff in weapons fire toward his units. An idea popped into his head, "All Second Battalion to fix bayonets!" Wilhelm ordered to the dismay of some nearby paratroopers. Sergeant Major van-Zhee echoed the order out loud and on the COMM. "FIX. BAYONETS!" After all Second Battalion reported ready Wilhelm seen troopers beginning to stand up behind their fortifications and foxholes. Wilhelm clipped on his bayonet and strapped up his helmet. "CHARGE!" Wilhelm heard a loud aggressive cry come from the throats of his troops as they brought their weapons to the ready. Wilhelm finished the order, "BAYONETS!" Wilhelm shouted and vaulted over some fortifications to run across a body and equipment strewn park. Wilhelm thought, "We'll see who will reach Parino first."

"Major Reynolds, I have the second battalion on the move sir" Erwin looked at his comm officer.. "Really" He flipped on the battlefield Hud and zoomed out. "He sure is, send a message to Major Parino, tell him to watch his fields of fire, the backdoor is about to close."

Reynolds gathered both companies, "OK I'm taking on assault company back to Hit these guys from the rear I want the othert company to standby here and assist Captain Fletcher if she is attacked by city forces we haven't seen yet. Lets get on line and move out Every one be watching for the second battalion on our left.

Wilhelm crossed the park and was about half way through when the incoming fire picked up. He realized now was definately not the time to turn around, good thing it was a smaller park. Running hard, Wilhelm came to the edge of the park and see heads popping out of a series a small slit trenches and weapons fire coming from the buildings behind them as well. "Fire at will!" Wilhelm said into his COMM, then stopped briefly took a shot and started running again. The rest of the Second began firing from the hip just trying to keep the defenders heads down. Within twenty, very nervous, steps Wilhelm jumped over a small berm onto a very surprised looking Orion. Within half a heart beat Wilhelm drove his rifle tip at the Orions chest and fired a phaser burst to remove it. Wilhelm then turned towards a merc who was starting to turn his weapon towards him when the merc had a marine jump on him. "Secure these trenches and the nearby trenches then we press on hard!" Within twenty minutes Second Battalion secured the trenches and buildings and pressed on to the next block.

"Reynolds Company advanced at a steady pace, his forward scouts out front. He came up to a group of marines garding a group of prisoners. He walked over to the Sergeant who was in charge. "Whats the story here..?"

"Well Sir we were just going through this area when about Fourty of these devels were running straight towards us. Seems The Second puched them over our way. We jumpped them quick and took a few out, the rest dropped there weapons and surrendered."

"Outstanding, lets get some intel on them and what there friends are up too."

"Yes Sir" The marine headed for the gaggle of commandos as Reynolds waved his com man over. "Get me the Colonel".

Wilhelm was breathless looking at the new territory they've gained, almost a full city mile. Wilhelm ordered the Second to begin taking up defensive postitions, the men were getting ragged and needed a breather when his COMM tech came running over. "Go ahead Major.." Wilhelm says breathlessly.

"What ever your doing over there is definatly working, Opposing forces are trying to get out of your way, we're picking up some prisoners here."

"Well that's good...We took over a mile worth cityscape. I had to hold the charge to secure what we've gained and give the boys a little rest."

"Excellent, that will give me a chance to hook up with you on the left. We could move hard and push them right into Parinos base of fire on the other side. I only have one company with me as you can see. I have the rest watching our tails."

"Sounds good Major. It'll give the Second a chance to rest for a few, plus I dont like leaving my left out in the air. I'll let my left flank know your on the way. Contact me when you hookup."

"Affirmative, give me Thirty mike." Reynolds tossed the set to his com man, "OK, lets move First squad make the link to second Battalion. Lets go"


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
In the Field

Major Erwin Reynolds
1st Battalion, 21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
3rd Battalion CO, 21st Marines

Captain Amanda Fletcher
1st Battalion, A company, 21st Marines


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