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A New Asset

Posted on Sat Dec 4th, 2010 @ 10:52pm by Major Erwin Reynolds [John] & Sergeant Major Rick Knight [John}

445 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter marine HQ
Timeline: Present


Corporal Granter was walking around the HQ on the planet Exeter, she was kind of glad she was going to be put to immediate use upon transfer. She found a marine that was close. "Hi, can you tell me where to find Major Reynolds ? I'm the new sniper, name's Corporal Domanacola de Granter. Or blackheart by some it nice to be here."

The Marine nodded, "Theirs a few command vehicles behind that bunker and a med tent. The Battalion Sergeant Majors overthere getting fixed up by the Doc's. He can take you to the Major, His name is Knight Sergeant Major Knight."

Corporal Granter walked over to the med tent and entered. Scanning the tent for the Sergeant Major She found him in the med tent she stood in front of him. "Hello sir I'm Corporal Granter reporting for duty... can you tell me where to find Major Reynolds sir?"

The medic looked up and shook his head as he yanked another large piece of shrapnel from the Sergeant Majors lower back with a sucking sound...

Rick Knight looked up at the Corporal. He was in a full body sweat that had soaked his uniform and the gurney below it. His back was open and looked like hamburger. He blinked through dilated eyes...

"How many replacements came with you Coporal?"

"Just me I am afraid I just transferred to the starbase as your new sniper but I am here in stead Therefore, I will be happy once I can get to work sir".

"Very well, do you have your assigned weapon with you?

"Roger I have a TR-116A costume with me and a MP90 that all I need to what can I do for you" .

"Good, We have an ammo carrier and a small dept here. Get what your going to need for the next few days and a side arm if you don't have one. Take a good look around the site security here and get back here in Three hours. Even a hour of sleep will help,I should be walking by then."

"Well I am already fully stocked on ammo. I have 15 magazines for each weapon on me as well If you don't mind I'm going to catch some sleep it been a long day. I'm also going to need a complete laid out map of the area with the past activity of last 24-48 hour's so get a picture of what's happening out there if thats ok with you".

"Sounds good, welcome to the Twenty First Marines, See ya in a few"


Sergeant Major Rick Knight
First Battalion, 21st Marines

Corporal Domanacola Granter
Marine Sniper, 21st Marines



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