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Prisoner transfers and then some

Posted on Fri Dec 3rd, 2010 @ 10:16am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Admiral Kathryn Burke

883 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: USS Vigilant - Starbase Typhon
Timeline: Current

The ship shook as it connected with the catwalk and mooring clamps."All stations lock down your stations and prepare to disembark." Alex then hit his comm button on the chair and stood up."Attention all hands this is the Captain, we are now docked at starbase Typhon. As a surprise for all the good work you all have done the ship is not only being repaired but everyone has shore leave for the next week. Enjoy yourself everyone, you've earned it. Bridge out." Alex then looked to Skink."Shall we go drop off our passenger?"

Yaneri nodded to the Captain. Her terminal beeped. She scowled. "Captain, a moment please. There appears to be a message coming in, it's from one Admiral Burke, sir."

"Oh, the Admiral, put it through here. On Screen." he ordered. The image of Admiral Kathryn Burke appeared on the main viewer."Admiral, what can I do for your today ma'am?"

"When you have a minute, come to my office," Burke replied. "I'd like to talk to you."

"Very well Admiral, once the transfer of the prisoner is complete I will go directly to your office. Uhh what deck is that on?"

"I'm on deck 23," Kathryn said.

"Very well Ma'am I'll be there soon. Reeder out."

Skink tapped his comms, "Security report to the brig for prisoner transfer, I want a double detail on this." He ordered. Then turned to Alex. "I still think its a mistake to leave him alive..."

Alex then looked towards Yaneri,"Lieutenant can you contact the Chief of Security for the station please. Tell him to meet us at the airlock entrance so we can transfer him there that way I can go straight to the Admiral's office."

Krang was never "happy" but today he was even grumpier than usual. The thought of a Starfleet officer betraying his oath and doing the things this prisoner was charged with doing made him want to physically harm the man. He stood brooding quietly near the air lock with a full security team and waited for the Vigilant team to arrive.

Alex and Skink emerged with a security team from the Vigilant with phasers drawn on max who was in handcuffs . Alex Holstered his phaser and went to shake the Chief Security Officer's hand."Commander." he said extending his hand.

Skink stood behind Max phaser drawn lips pulled back into a tight grimace. Part of him hoped the man would try something so he would have an excuse to kill him. In fact all of Skink hoped for that.

"So this is the guy everyone's talking about huh?" Krang said, looking rather unimpressed. "I thought he would be taller."

Alex put his hand down."Well he is all yours now Commander." he then pushed Max towards him for his men to take control over him.

Krang's team moved in and took custody of the prisoner. "Get him out of here." Krang ordered. "If he so much as blinks wrong, shoot him."

"Thank you Commander." Alex then turned to Skink,"Commander, go ahead and go back to the bridge, I need to go meet with the Admiral."

"Aye sir!" Replied the Gorn, heading for the doors.

Alex then walked towards the nearest turbolift and entered it."Deck 23" the lift then began moving towards its destination and reached it within 30 seconds which wasn't bad considering the size of the station. Alex then stepped out and walked up to the Admiral's office where he then pushed the chime awaiting the order to enter.

"Come in," Kathryn said. She expected it to be Commander Reeder as Millie would have informed her if it were anyone else.

"Commander, have a seat," she said when the officer walked in. "We haven't met yet. I'm Admiral Burke," she said, extending her hand.

Alex took the Admiral's hand then sat down."Alexander Reeder ma'am. What is it you needed to see me for Admiral?"

"I read the report about the Derecho. And your recent activities with the Alabama," she said mock-sternly. "Because of that I reviewed your records and I see a discrepancy."

"What discrepancy would that be Admiral?" Alex said getting a little worried. Was he in trouble?

"You should have been promoted by now. Is there a reason for this?" she asked soberly.

"None that I know of ma'am, I don't ask for promotions I just let them come at their whim." he said feeling relieved he wasn't in trouble.

"Well then, I guess this would be my whim," she said, sliding a box across the desk. "Or, more precisely, Admiral McGinley's."

Alex smiled as he opened the box."Another pip." he said excitably "Thank you Admiral, I won't let you down."

"Congratulations, Captain," she replied, smiling. "It is well-deserved."

"I'm just doing my job Admiral, and I'm damn good at it to." Alex said with a chuckle.

"Humility doesn't seem to be one of your faults, Captain," Kathryn chuckled. "You're dismissed. Go celebrate -- but not too much."

"Aye aye ma'am." Alex then stood up and walked out of the Admiral's officer one pip higher.


Admiral Kathryn Burke
Deputy Commander in Chief
Theta Fleet

Captain Alexander Reeder
Commanding Officer
USS Vigilant

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skink
Executive Officer
USS Vigilant


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