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Command Decisions

Posted on Sun Dec 5th, 2010 @ 2:36am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson & Vice Admiral John Vail

567 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Main Bridge Typhon Control
Timeline: Current


Fanin was sitting in his command chair once more, he always was comfortable there. He looked around the giant main bridge control center. The second and Third tiers busy with crew from all departments and sections of the station...

"ALL HANDS, ATTENTION ON DECK" Fannin shot up from his chair at attention as Vice Admiral Vail walked up the ramp dressed in his formal White uniform. He was followed by several of his staff.

"At ease, please return to you duties" he walked over to Edward.

"Edward, good to see you at work again, tell me have you been talking to anyone from the Royal Family at Casltemere lately?

"Yes Sir I have as a matter of fact and things are going well I might add."

"Good", Vail leaded over and spoke in Fannins ear. Edward nodded and stepped to the communications console.

::Commander Johnson to the bridge::

The Admiral smiled, "Sorry to barge in on you about this but it was out of my hands as you know Comodore."

Anna was in her room taking advantage of her 'day off' when the call came in. "I'll be there soon." She answered. As she closed the com she let out a sigh and grabbed a clean uniform and quickly braided her hair before riding the lift up twelve decks to the command center. "Commander Johnson reporting in sir." She said to the Admiral having recognized his voice as being the one that called her.

In the command center several hundred of the crew were observing the area on the main deck below. They were perched along the rails of the upper tiers waiting to see what was going on with the gathering of Senior officers below..

Vail turned as Commander Johnson reported and returned her salute.

Fannin gathered his best command voice...

"ATTENTION ON DECK", all hands within the sound of the Comodores voice snapped to attention. All viewscreens on the station showed the view of the group on the command bridge. Vail stepped forward to Commander Johnson. Vail took a folder from his aide.

Attention to orders. Commander Anna Johnson is hereby promoted to the rank of full Captain. Captain Johnson has demonstrated outstanding leadership and commitment to the Federation and starfleet. Her deeds are widely known to all see comes into contact with. Congratulations Captain."

From around the console came Jana escourted by Two Starfleet marines.

Edward stepped forward and handed the gold box containing Captains pips foe Janna to pin on.

Jana took the box and placed the forth pip on Anna's collar with a smile of pride on her face.

Anna stood their stunned to silence. She never expected to make captain until she had a post of her own. She looked around at the gathered crowd for a moment then found her voice, "Thank you sir," She managed to say not knowing what else to say.

"Your quite welcome Captain Johnson."

Fannin stepped forward and addressed the crew. "There will be a formal reception for Captain Johnson on deck 25 at 1800 hours. May I present Captain Anna Johnson"

The crew were happy and several minutes of applause were given.

Admiral Vail leaned over. "Captain Johnson, I'll need to see you concerning your new assignment after the reception this evening."

Anna blinked, and looked at him, "Yes, sir." she said her curiosity now raised.

Admiral John Vail
Commodore Anna Johnson
Captain Anna Johnson


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