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Meeting the Savior

Posted on Tue Dec 7th, 2010 @ 10:51am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: main Bridge, Typhon Station
Timeline: Current


Edward had just cleared the docking of a long line of freighters with a nod to his flight controller, he was highly impressed with the huge job the air traffic team had done during the shift. But thier was many things on his list to get done after recieving a message from the garrison vessel Odin. he reached up an tapped his com badge..

::Commander Hart, Report to the Bridge::

Basil had just finished examining Lieutenant Skylar when he got the call. ::Aye, sir. Be right there.:: he replied. Arriving on the bridge a few moments later, he approached his CO. "You wanted to see me, Commodore?"

Yes Commander Hart, I have received word from the USS Odin. Our garrison vessel returns from Exeter with heavy damage and a hold of wounded Marines and civilians. She's ten hours out. You will need all your staff on this"

"Angels and minsters of grace, defend us," Basil breathed. He turned to his CO and comrade. "We'll be ready for them, Edward. Is there any additional space you could finagle for me to turn into a makeshift triage area?"

"Yes all of it, dinning rooms for lodging, recreation areas and holodecks for surgery, and several areas of the outer ring for isolation or recovery. I talked with engineering and they are pulling out any addition equipment you may need and replicating it."

"Thank you, sir. I'll make sure my staff is prepared for long hours and lots of meatball surgery. We'll get them stabilized, and do the long-term repairs later." He looked at Edward with grim determination and places a hand on his shoulder. "We'll save as many of them as we can, Edward."

"Thats all I can ask, I know your team will do their best"

"Thanks, Commodore. I'll go start prepping everything." Basil turned to leave.

Fannin watched the Commander walk down the ramp..


Commodore Edward Fanin
Commanding Officer, Task Force 42

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon



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