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Leap of Faith

Posted on Sun Dec 5th, 2010 @ 4:15am by HRH Deloran Castlemere-Gates

403 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Minotar Executive Boardroom, Paris
Timeline: Current


Deloran sat at the head of the long table, it had been a long meeting with the directors. A few things were taken off the table, mining rights for a small cluster in the neutral zone and some issues with legal staff. The Princess was direct as always and knew her business well. In the years she had been the CEO of Minotar profits had soared. Few challenged her decisions. Since the banquet it was clear to her she needed to to make a few changes in her personal life. The thoughts of Edward came to her often.

As the immediate busness with the board was concluded, the members were herded out the door . The next wave was a meeting of Delorans personal staff secretaries. They entered quickly and took their seats. Looking to the first seat to her right...

"Were you able to find the property I'm looking for Jules?"

"Yes your Highness, Tiberious Five, a very nice place." The viewscreen showed the planet and a slide show of its main features. Data streamed along the botom of the screen with more detailed effect.

"Excellent, what about the land I selected?"

Jules changes the view to zoom in on a small mountain lake and high elevation landscape. This area here that you selected would be perfect for your plans. Secluded and secure. Your closest neibors being a small coloney several hundered miles away. Areas could be cleared for any sized dwelling you may desire. This parcel can be purchased immediately."

Deloran smiled as she looked to her legal advisor. Who rose from the table and pulled a tricorder out to begin the purchase while walking to the door.

"You are all aware of my intentions in this matter. I ask you keep this to yourselves as it envolves me personally. I'll need the staff engineers here this afternoon to go over the plans for the construction. Are we still leaving for the event in Los Angeles tonight?"

"Yes ma'am."

Has my schedule been cleared of engagements after that?

"Yes Ma'am."

"Very well i'll need you to pack some hiking gear, I'll need it. Also after leaving the station I won't need more than one security officer with me, I've already talked with Guthrey and she will be my detail."

Deloran stood and left the room to her private office to make a few calls..


HRH Deloran Castlemere-Gates
CEO Minotar Corporation


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