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Senior staff meeting

Posted on Sun Dec 5th, 2010 @ 10:37pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams

761 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Command briefing room
Timeline: Ten minutes ago....



Krang ambled into the meeting room, sipping on yet another cup of coffee. He had a large, partially eaten carrot in the other hand and a PADD under his arm. He took a seat near the head of the table and put the PADD on the table in front of him. He hated staff meetings, but knew that were important, so he kept his complaining to a minimum.

Anna stepped through the doors carrying an insulated extra large mug of coffee. She just didn't want to get up today and needed the extra boost. She nodded at Krang then took a seat of her own.

Raven walked into the room and set her PaDD on the table in the back corner. Then she got a cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream and took a seat. She smiled a greeting at the others in the room.

Skylar entered the room. A large cup of something between tea and soup in his hand, and a few PADDs. He nodded to the officers he knew first, then the ones he did not, then sat down.

Warrant officer James was at the door when she received a message from a command orderly. It was from Commander Foster who was planet side on Tiberius with a busted shuttle drive, he wouldn't be making the meeting.

Anna grabbed a doughnut from the tray of pastries and took a bite as she waited for the meeting to start.

Fannin walked into the room. "Greetings everyone. I need to get this meeting started. Commander Hart must be tied up and Commander Foster is stuck planetside with a busted shuttle. We have a few pending issues that need to be straightened out as soon as possible. As many of you know the fighting has Ramped up on Exeter. The USS Odin will arrive with heavy damage and wounded Marines on board."

"This will entail extra help in support of medical and engineering. We need a quick turn a round on the Odin as she is our primary supply ship to the conflict. The Marines here will receive the best of care possible which I'm sure we shall provide. Other issues are the fleet plans for a large vessel repair and construction yard. Several of these modles are currently on there way here being diverted from the orginal propose site."

"Engineering, I will need a plan for additional lodging on the station for several hundred workers and labs. We can convert a few shuttlebays for material holding areas. The yard will be close to the station for security reasons and ease of access."

"I'll need regular updates for these projects as to their progress. Security will be a major concern. Krang, you need to get this station secure in the next few days, Get this bomb issue closed if at all possible. It will get busy here for a while. As you know Captain Johnson will conducting a yearly inspection of the station. She needs your complete cooperation. if there are any problems you all should get them settled before they get to me."

"Any questions?"

Basil walked in, looking sheepish. "Sorry I'm late. Had to patch up a badly sprained ankle on a toddler. Fell off a chair."

"No problem, I was just asking for questions, grab some coffee and catch up"

Fannin looked around the room, I have a few meetings to hit this morning. If you have any issues better let me know so we're ahead of the game. Captain Johnson can finish up here and bring Commander Hart up to speed. Thanks for coming up on short notice." Fannin was up from his chair and out the door.

"That's just lovely. I can barely keep order on the station as it is and now they are going to expand us?" he asked grumpily.

"So it would seem Mister Darkmoon. Are there any other questions or suggestions?" Anna asked.

"I'll get a quick catch-up version from you after the meeting, Captain Johnson. no need to hold up everyone else on my account," Basil said.

Anna nodded acknowledgment to Basil's statement. "Very well if there is nothing else everyone else is dismissed and I will be in touch with you about department evaluations." Anna said.

"I do not believe Captain Johnson is capable of lifting the entire staff." Skylar whispered to the Doctor.

Comodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer Taskforce 42

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer


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