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The Typhon Review

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2011 @ 1:34am by Commodore Edward Fannin

595 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Captains Desk
Timeline: Current


Edward had completed his report to Fleet command. It was a written report of his operational command over the last year on the star base. His review was a boring masterpiece of data that would be of little significance in the realm of the universe but had to be done. He had spent days going through the logs and highlighting events that had taken place. Some tragic, others very funny.

He returned from the kitchen with a fresh cup of coffee, He smiled, Delore was curled up on his leather love seat under the large Wookie blanket given to her by the Tea Lady for an autograph. He picked up his padd and started reading the entries...

"Arrived Star base Typhon, This place is a mess. Met my new Exec Jack Tolren. Good officer with experience. He will be of great assistance to me here."

Fannin thought back to the pain of losing that officer. Many had left his command over the last year. Some good and some not so good. But Jack was just too young.

Ed remembered the first officers call, most of the stations com equipment wasn't working and everyone was new to the station. He couldn't forget the efforts of the security teams locating lost crew wandering around the station who where utterly lost.

The first ship docked was the USS Accrux, took Three hours to get her in the bay, operations did a great job the first time out. After a year of traffic the dock time was down to sixteen minutes... Since that time most of the Fleet vessels had spent time at the station.

Our first challenge came with the recover of the Endeavor crew under the command of Captain Fisher. The following refit of the new Flagship was a engineering miracle performed by the survivors of that crew and Typhon operations chief Anna Johnson.

It was during this time many civilians arrived at the station. They opened eateries and shops and gave this crew a morale boost and quality of life unheard of in deep space.

The routine arrival of fleet vessels and persons of interest always kept the crew busy in one form or another. Morgan Damron, Charon, the Tea lady and Red Jack to name a few...

I was saddened by the loss of our Cadets, who in an attempt to flee a troubled Planet took a wrong turn in their shuttle and took up deep sea exploration instead...

The crazy Ambassador, who always shared good whiskey and frolicked in his Forrest. He too met his end.

Those strange Monkey guys who took urban development to the next level by landing entire cities thus making a pristine planet a toxic waste site. It was later discovered that after the ran out of coins for the meter in a neighboring system they launched themselves onto a black hole. Unfortunate...

Fannin looked at the long lists of promotions. A crew this dedicated would be hard to find.

He thought of recent events, the Attack, Marines on Exeter, Red Jack. His crew had been through much. Ed rubbed his eye's and finished his cigar. He moved over on the love seat and covered himself in the finest Wookie fur he'd ever seen. It had been a remarkable Year he though as he drifted off...


Thank you to the Crew of The Typhon. Who have shown writing skills beyond compare, dedication, absolute loyalty in and out of character. For Patience in listening to my silly jokes and absences from the station.

John Gifford
Hidden Hills, Missouri
January 1, 2011


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