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The path not Taken....

Posted on Tue Dec 14th, 2010 @ 2:27pm by Commander Raven Adams
Edited on on Wed Dec 15th, 2010 @ 6:33am

923 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Deck 10010

Skylar had walked past Commander Adams' office nineteen times, so far, the day after the Captain's Banquet.

Why, precisely, he had chosen that path, he hadn't quite figured out, but for the nineteenth time, he stopped, and looked at the door.

He quirked an eyebrow, looking at the door. Precisely what had taken so much of his attention span, and what was so fascinating about the woman, he could not quite place.

For the nineteenth time he began walking away. Then he stopped. For the first time. He turned back to the door.

For reasons he did not entirely understand, he pressed the door chime. It was not that he had any special business with Raven, but merely a fascination, and he decided that the Commander's office was private enough to permit a blunt, and open discussion on this issue.

"Come in," Raven said, looking u from a report from Khiy. "Commander Skylar, how may I help you?"

Skylar nodded. "I... am conflicted. I do not entirely know how to address this issue."

That caught Raven's interest. It wasn't often a Vulcan was conflicted. "Have a seat and I'll do what I can to help."

The Vulcan nodded, and sat. "I have only recently been assigned, as we had previously discussed, I believe. However, I have discovered a rather recent sociological imbalance, which has impaired my abilities to focus."

He looked at Raven, and shook his head slightly. "To be blunt, Commander, for some reason I cannot quantify, I can not seem to direct my attention span away from you."

She'd been listening to him, wondering what could cause a Vulcan to lose focus. But what he said shocked her. "Me? What have I done to distract you?"

"This is why I stated I could not quantify it." Skylar said with a nod. "I hope I am not making you uncomfortable by bringing this to your attention, but I do not know much about sociological custom, and it only seemed proper to address it to you, and you alone, to prevent... what is the human word... 'gossip'? Yes. That is the word."

Raven had gone from surprise to amusement. This wasn't funny -- she knew he was quite serious -- but the situation was amusing. She'd never had much social interaction. Her adult life wasn't conducive to one; yet here she was with someone who had no idea what a social relationship was, had no interest in one, but came to her because he was "distracted." It really was quite funny.

Skylar continued, taking her silence as permission. "I have not had time for much research, nor do I quite understand what, precisely, I should be researching. I had hoped you would... be able to offer useful assistance in some manner."

"To be honest, Commander, I'm not the best person to ask. My life has not been conducive to relationships of any kind, so I really don't know much on the subject. Have you looked in the ship's database? I believe there are books on the subject," Raven said. Being a mercenary where you didn't know if you would live or die was a large deterrent to any sort of social interaction. You never knew if the person you befriended would be killed -- or try to kill you.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "What does this have to do with a relationship?" He said, confused. "Are you stipulating that this could be a romantic interest? I had not covered this train of thought as of this point in time."

'Not at all. I assumed you were already familiar with formal gatherings, so I assumed the social interaction that confused you was friendship-based. A relationship is any routine social interaction from casual acquaintance to brother/sister relationships," she replied. "There are books on the differences between men and women so you know how each reacts in different situations. There are books on how to be a friend as well." She shrugged. "It all depends on what you're looking for."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "A fascinating point of study." He said with a nod. Looking at the Commander, he briefly broke his mask. "Perhaps, as a preliminary course of study, I might ask you if you would care to have dinner at some point in the near future."

Raven was still trying to figure out what why the Vulcan was asking her these questions. "I don't see why not," she replied with a shrug. She had no problem going to dinner with a fellow officer.

Skylar nodded, and, with just the slightest expression of a smile he looked at Raven. "Later, then. I am afraid the repairs to the various docked vessels will occupy much of my immediate time. I will make time for it, however."

Raven nodded. "That sounds fine. Let me know the time and place." She stood and bowed to the officer. This definitely fit into the pattern of her recent 'social events.' First, a guy who was playing games, now a Vulcan who was curious about social behavior.

Skylar, once again, left Raven with the briefest of smiles, and turned to leave. "You look tired, by the way, madame. A nap may be in order." He said from the door. 'Rest well."

When the door closed behind him, she sat down at her desk and put her head on her folded arms. A nap. He told her she needed a nap, she thought, chuckling.


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer


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