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Getting Down

Posted on Tue Dec 14th, 2010 @ 2:47am by Master Sergeant John Deal & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Sergeant Major Rick Knight [John}

1,117 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: USS Micheala Shuttle Delta/ On the Ground
Timeline: Current


Master Sergeant John Deal was pacing the small confines of Shuttle Delta as he came up on his new home. Starbase Typhon, or so he thought. As the communicator in the cockpit beeped, the pilot started to laugh. "Sorry Ser'nt, but we have a bit of a side ways jump to do. Your orders have changed, you're going planet side and dropping on the ground with the rest of your new Company." John shook his head, looking at his orders. They hadn't said anything about bringing a weapon with him, but he had any how. It was a custom built Type III Phase Rifle. It had only two settings, but he liked the simplicity of it.

"Thats fine Ensign, just get me where I'm needed." As he sat down, he looked around his two bags and shook his head. "I'm just going to grab my battle gear, could you take the rest of my stuff to Typhon? No reason it should lay in the mud with me." The Ensign chuckled, and the shuttle popped back into warp. It wasn't a long jump, but it was enough to let John fix his uniform from the dress blues he had been wearing to the black and green that he would wear on any away mission. "Send me down when it's time to go," he said, slinging his rifle and continuing the pacing.

*On the Ground*

John hit the ground running, almost literally as the transport beam released him. It was a war zone, and he had been dropped about six hundred feet behind the main lines, around the area where some of the men were sleeping, but three people stood proudly, going over what seemed to be a battle chart. Slipping into an almost crouch, he moved up behind them and then to the right. "Sorry to bother you men, but where can I find," checking his padd he laughed. "Sorry, Colonel Von Hackleberg?"

"It's alright Master Sergeant." Wilhelm said with his German accent looking up from the map. "What brushfire cropped up now?"

"None, I'm your new First Sergeant Sir. Sorry about not saluting, but I was forged in the 21st Century, we don't salute in a battle field." Looking to the other two men he nodded. "Can I get a quick sit rep before the party starts again?"

"Not a problem Master Sergeant. We try to keep that tradition. Don't want to make easy targets. Currently, we're trying to clear this planet out of Breen Commandos and mercs." Wilhelm said as a small rocket went flying over their position and detonating against a nearby building. "...and they are trying their best to turn this place into Stalingrad. First objective so far is to clear out this city, Aurora. Then we move on. LZ Zulu is about four miles to the south of here with the Regimental support units and arty. Right now we have a two Battalion push for another two miles or so driving a few thousand mercs toward another one of or Battalions. Any questions?"

"Just one, whats the highest kill count you have with one person that's not a sniper, and where do I show up?" Unslinging the weapon, he looked at the hole. "Christine here hasn't had much in the way of practice since our first post, but we'll get back on the ball." He knew he sounded blood thirsty, but he also knew that perhaps his attitude would save lives. "One last question, what do they have for weapons?"

Wilhelm chuckled, "Well an attached squad has racked up more then 500 casualties by themselves. What the other side has is pretty much anything and everything. Their heavier equipment and ordenance is Breen based or knock offs of it. For the moment I'm sticking you with 1st Platoon, B Company, 2nd Battalion. Go there and take command, their officers all found real estate deals." Wilhelm said pointing off to the right. "Welcome to the 21st."

"Hey! is that a sniper rifle?" sgt major Rick Knight hobbled up to the group.

"No, custom built Mark III. It can be used at a distance, but I prefer the up close and personal uses it has." John was taken aback by the man, but he wasn't going to let that show.

Rick Knight held out his hand. He smelled bad and his neck had a bloodstained compression bandage on it... "I'm Rick Knight, first battatlion sergeant Major. Pleased to meet you."

"John Deal, First Sergeant," John said taking the man's hand. "What kind of resistance can I find with the men I'm taking over?"

"Your ok, 2nd Battalion are some sharp Marines. Stay Close to the flank of the first. Thats Major reynolds and Me. Those guys will follow if you lead."

"Alright, how green are they?" John didn't mind Green men, he ahd been once too. "and if I come charging over that way, a few mortars would be nice on my six."

"They started green but have been learning the trade the hard way for a solid week. War keeps them busy. Their ready to go."

"Good to hear Sergeant Major. If there's nothing else, I have some men to get back on the front. Any thing you want me to take when I rouse them? Or do you want me to hold in the area they've already taken?"

"Get over there and get them ready to move forward on line with the rest of us. Were pushing the enemy towards Major Parinos company. Hammer and Anvil today sarge."

"Fun stuff there, but it's better to be the hammer most days." Shaking his head, he looked up as another missle screamed in, then over the buildings. An explosion was never heard. "Do they do that often? An uncontrolled missle?"

"Yup, their pretty well armed.. Look I got to get back, not much time left. Good to meet you, and good luck..."

Dom chimed in he will be fine there's no sniper's out there I made sure of that .

John nodded to the man as he left. Figuring they would have time later on to talk and get to know one another, John looked back at the Colonel. "I'll get to my men, and make them smile. When this is over, we may want to think about throwing some sort of party, always keeps the moral up when we can laugh about the good times, and dumb accidents that always seem to happen in war."

"Ohh yes Sergeant. Including the encounters with the shore patrol." Wilhelm said with a smile.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
21st Marines

SGT Major Rick Knight
First Battalion, 21st Marines


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