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Dark Forces, Strong Marines

Posted on Wed Dec 15th, 2010 @ 9:22am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Major Erwin Reynolds [John] & Master Sergeant John Deal & Master Warrant Officer Charles Willey [Wilhelm] & Sergeant Major Shran van-Zee [von Hackleburg] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Sergeant Major Rick Knight [John} & Commander Basil Hart

2,235 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: City of Aurora, Planet Exeter
Timeline: late afternoon


Wilhelm looked down at the vehicle fort grimly and clicked on the Assault channel "All units. Break's over. Resume your assault." Wilhelm said then clicked the HQ Combat team channel. "Boys get your butts up here to this little fort and make sure you bring the Grenadier Squad."

John had his orders, and he wasn't going to let him new Company down. He didn't work like that, and he needed to find the First, Bravo. Asking around, he found about where they were and entered a building, that had the looked defensable, and well defended. "This is Master Sergeant Deal, who ever's in charge, get down here, now!" One man, a Staff Sergeant ran up from the second floor and slid infront of John.

"Master Sergeant, I'm Staff Sergeant Shenk. I'm the one in charge now per Colonel Hackleberg." The man nodded and showed him the way to the command center. "What do we have in front and to the sides of us?"

"The usual, Breen weapons with slaves using them. They're not efficient, but they've managed to take a few Privates down with their spray and prey tactics." John nodded and listened, looking out at the area around him. He was blocking the rest out, but that wasn't anything new. "Alright Staff Sergeant, I want to move this base to a new building. You say you have the next two blocks taken right? I want my command post on the front lines, so it's easier to see what's going on."

Otto looked out onto the killing field in front of Parino's marines and was starting to get frustrated. As a Raider he was supposed to control the engagements with ultra violent hit and run tactics and ambushes. This stand up slug-fest fighting was not his style he thought, but he did have control over a whole bunch of explosives and mines out in that field. Otto thought with a smile as he glanced at the detonator PADD.

"Get this man back to the LZ immediately!" Chuck said as he pushed another gurney into the back of a FOXL. Hearing the order to advance, he ran to catch up with the rest of the Regiment.

Sergeant Major Boris Varnic saw them gathering at the edge of a rock and wooded area directly in front of them... he yelled over to krupp. "HERE THEY COME"..

A roar rose from the commando lines as a huge volly of disrupter fire hit the marine lines. Mortars falling like rain... The first wave ran directly out of the woods into the field. The marines recovered as best they could but the first wave was over a thousand mercs.... Varnic was laying on his side, Two medics trying to stop the bleeding..

Otto seen the mass of mercs just as Varnic yelled over him and hit the arming switch on the minefield. Looking at his combat tricorder the remote sensors registered contact and Otto dropped the stick. "First line M500 anti personnel mines and fougasse's..." tubes filled with napalm and topped with anything sharp that could fly with high speed and lethality. Otto looked over the breastworks with a smile to see a big wall of flame and shards.

Jerry was screaming... "FIRE FIRE FIRE.." Two marines stood and thrusted bayonets at Commandos charging over the sandbags. Pulled his pistol shooting a merc in the chest just as another commando jumpped down on his back knocking his helmet off. A marine moved in and got Jerry free and stabbing the merc with his Kbar in the back..

John heard the roaring and cussed. The move would have to wait, as he streamed out of the building, along with the men that had been holed up in there. "Get ready," he said to all of them, crouching low, but in sight to any that would be coming down his way. "Fire!" he ordered, dropping a knee and spraying the advancing line with repetitive blasts of his phase rifle. "Keep them back, and I want a full advance to the forward lines! Drive them back!" He watched as one private ran for the corner of another building, and was dropped by a bolt. Squeezing the trigger harder, he wanted to go to the man's side, but he knew that he could easily be that man. "Mortar fire! I want mortar fire on their line now!"

Otto was firing his automatic phaser as much as it would shoot taking down large swaths of mercs at a crack, but it was just too much. One merc tried to swing a rifle butt at his head while Otto ducked, dropped his weapon onto its sling then shoved a kbar up under the mercs sternum. Then turned and was tackled by another merc. Otto quickly slashed across the man's throat and turned toward his next victim.

Wilhelm seen a flash over the tops of the buildings and seen a wall of flame, "That would be Otto's handywork..." Wilhelm said then turned back to the little fort and seen the HQ team was in place. Running down to join them he nodded to the Grenadiers. Three of them hoisted up stub nosed grenade launchers and started shooting tear gas and stun grenades over the wall from behind cover. Then two more broke cover with modern RPG's on their shoulders and fired at the gate. In a flash the Gate blew open and noxious gases came rolling out. With gas masks on the Marines charged into the fort. "Capture the Breen if you can!" Wilhelm yelled as he charged into the gas.

Dom stayed back taking very precise shots one after the other not giving any of the enemy the chance to recover.
She hit her com badge "Colonel this is Blackheart. I'm moving to higher ground to get better shot's I'll be in the building to your seven o'clock try not to shoot me. After she finished she took off in a dead sprint to the building. Once she hit the fourth floor she found a room in the back where she could not be seen by any one from the out side and set up her sniper position

"Sir Blackheart again. Paint any thing that you find a priority, if nothing I'll just thin their number's. Blackheart out."

Wilhelm had already discarded his phaser rifle and was armed with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. After taking a slash at a merc that tried to rush him he answered his COMM, "Blackheart, pick off anything you can, good luck in this smoke, and watch for the civvies in here...." Wilhelm paused and put two .45 slugs into a Commando that was bringing up a rifle on him. "...Also if you see that Breen in here point him out but dont kill it." Wilhelm then slashed at a merc that tried to body-check him.

Erwin could see a fireteam moving along a wall to his front. They were being very slow and exposing themselves far to much. He was just about to start yelling at them when he saw them take a street full of Mercs down with auto fire, they dashed into the building to cover safely. The Marines just had a few hundred meters to go before they would be in range of the Anvil. Reynolds warned his troops to watch for Marines on the other side.

Jerry stood after a few grenades had sent him to the ground for cover. Helmet gone, wounded but pistol in hand. Knots of men all around him, dust and blood covered their uniforms. The mercs kept coming. he rallied a few and reloaded. he saw a marine taking on Two large mercs, the marine actually broke the first ones neck swinging a sandbag.. Jerry shot the other down as he closed in. He could feel the line was giving...

Otto quickly set the minefield to automatic and could feel and hear it respond over the battle. Then turned and fired a phaser blast into a merc that was closing to shove a bayonet at him. Moving on to the next merc he thought to himself, "Talk about a target rich environment, but it looks like they're kicking our butts."

The ground rumbled, and threated to throw John from his feet. His weapon was dead, and he butt was shattered, laying in peices around one merc's caved in head. In his hands were twin knives, neither KABARs, but something that looked much more nasty. As his hand flashed forward, one merc fell with a knife sticking out his right eye, and John was again armed, with a Breen weapon. Staff Sergeant Shenk and several others lay dead around him, but he continued to fight on, wondering when the release would come. The mortars hadn't come, and Head Quarters was busy taking a fort.

As the weapon heated in his hand, a sure sign it was going to die, an erie silence fell around his little area. Looking left and right, mercs and Marines alike lay dead or dying. Once again he had been forged in battle, and it wasn't something that he reveled in, but knew was his position in life. -^-Colonel, it's dead quiet here, and I've got perhaps seventeen men left alive. Permission to fall back to restock, or hold a building with Breen weaponry.-^- I won't let my men die like this, he thought to himself.

Wilhelm was walking out of the front gates of the fort, gas mask up on his head. He looked behind him and seen about 50 civilians being ushered out along with 15 prisoners, including the Breen, "Take them all back to the LZ. The rest of us got to keep moving." Wilhelm said stowing his mask and putting his helmet back on when he heard from John. "That's a negative on the fallback Master Sergeant. Major Parino's Battalion is in some serious trouble all fire support has been directed toward his area. Merge up with Second Platoon, there are supply vehicles and medics already enroute to your position then keep pressing on. Out." Wilhelm said reluctantly. Like the Raiders he hated battles of attrition. In fact, he wished he could bring back their unofficial motto, "300 Meters." It meant if you closed within 300 meters of the enemy and they have not yet surrendered, they were fair game any closer.

John sighed and looked behind him. "Find me Second Platoon, we've got to keep moving." Picking up an odd asorment of weaponry, and stowing his remaining knife, he looked mournfully at his Mark III. "I'll build a better one," he muttered looking as two of his men scouted out. If someone else was in trouble, then he'd go and help them out. "Sergeant! Their over here!" one called, and the entire fire group rushed off into the haze of battle, wondering when and if their number would be up.

Dom was having a hade time keeping the majority of the heavily armed enemy away form the men and even harder time keeping the lines from form being over taken but she never stopped firing. She thought to self thank god I brought the TR-116a custom with me she did not have to worry about very much of any thing smoke fog or even a building nothing was stopping her from killing here target.

As much of the fight slowed, she realized if she could get a higher spot deeper in the city she could help tremendously because she could get a better picture of what was in front of them.

"Wilhelm this is blackheart I'm moving again most target's eliminated I'll send my location when I get set I'll be going deeper in to the city to get support for most of are line I'll be off line for about 20 mike's how do you copy."

"Very well Blackheart." Wilhelm said while looking at the latest intelligence scan. The majority of the enemy force was concentrated in the city center comparative in size to a short division. All they seemed to keep doing was sending out units to beat back the marines. Wilhelm though about this for a second then thought, "Why push them out, when we could keep them there." Then thought of a plan and looked at his watch, 1532 it read. "Hmm, night soon, this could work." Willhelm thought then hit the COMM "All assault units pop smoke and withdraw 200 meters and dig in." Then switched to Reynolds line, "Reynolds, this slugging is not goin to work, I got a plan but it needs night fall to work. Get a competent officer and have them round up any Marine that is not currently engaged in combat. Excess med personnel and Artificers, strip the arty crews down to skeleton crews, and put some of them to guard our wounded and prisoners grab any wounded willing to fight to and have them meet up in our main assault line." Then Wilhelm switched to the MAS Gladius. "Gladius this is Marine One. I have a fire mission for your bombardment drones."


Major Erwin Reynolds
1st Battalion, 21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
3rd Battalion. 21st Marines

Sgt Major Rick Knight
1st battalion, 21st Marines

Sgt Major Boris Varnic
3rd Battalion, 21st Marines

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sgt. John Deal
2nd Battalion, 21st Marines

Cpl. Domanacola Ganter
Marine Sniper, 21st Marines


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