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Live from Exeter

Posted on Sun Dec 12th, 2010 @ 11:33am by 1st Lieutenant Tony Way

242 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Outskirts of Aurora
Timeline: Afternoon Broadcast


~This is Tony Way. It's been a long few days for the Marines of the Twenty First Regiment. Units of the regiment are on their Third day of operations here on Exeter. The Marine landing was conducted during the early morning hours and unopposed. As advanced units approached the capital city of Aurora the resistance was clear. A Marine spokesman stated that the push for the city has been a foot by foot struggle. Commando units have spread from the country and into the city center. The Twenty First has found many refugees and that caring and evacuating them has slowed them down.

It was reported from assault units of the siting of Breen aircaft attacking there positions. This was later confirmed to imbedded reporters that this morning at 0920 Two Kohr Than heavy fighters strafed Marine lines that were advancing on the city. The Federation has made a formal protest to the Breen counsel who have denied any involvement in the incident.

On the ground here it's very hard to describe the utter destruction and loss of civilian life. The planet has been in the hand of Breen forces for a lunar month. Breen mercenaries have ruled here and comitted many atrocties. rumors of genocide are common. The mercs are many paroled convicts using weapons issued by the Breen.

Marines have not disclosed any casualty lists, but due to recent events it's expected to be high. Tony Way FNN News~



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