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Formal Reception

Posted on Mon Dec 13th, 2010 @ 3:08am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster & Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone & Vice Admiral John Vail & Lieutenant Commander Gene Nance

2,552 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Deck 25
Timeline: 1800

Anna stood in front of the mirror tugging on the uniform. It felt awkward to her. Her hair was pulled up on her head in a nice up style instead of her usual french braid.

Jana came up behind her wearing a dark green evening gown. It was full length with straps instead of sleeves. She looked a lot older than she was wearing it. For the evening she had 'normal' make up and her hair was its natural color which was the same as Anna's. She had curled it so they rested on her shoulders. She stepped up behind Anna, "We had better get going, it wouldn't be good for the guest of honor to be late." She said.

Anna nodded and walked with Jana to the banquet hall. It was decked out white table clothes servers walked around with trays of champagne. Anna's stomach was in knots as she knew all of this was for her. Quietly for now she made her way to the head table where she found the name cards for her and Jana and both took a seat waiting for the others to arrive.

Admirals Stone and Vail entered the hall, they were followed at a discrete distance by their staff members. Both were laughing about the recent conversation and good natured "Ribbing" they had given Commodore Fannin about his recent love interests on Earth. Both of them looked in great spirits, in fact perhaps they had been having a few too many spirits before arriving.. Stone directed Admiral Vail to the head table. Both bowed to Jana complementing her on her gown.

"Captain Johnson, thank you for having us old dogs at your reception, I demand pictures be taken before we conclude the event" Vail smiled.

"I was pretty sure that would be a given under the circumstances." Anna said. "Especially if FNN has anything to say about it."

One of the servers came by with a tray of champagne and another beside him with sparkling grape juice. Jana took a grape juice and smiled, "Thank you." She said while Anna took the champagne as she was hoping it would help her nerves a bit.

"FFN, those fools, I hope I should run into a few of them." Stone started looking around the room...

Vail laughed, "Lets find our seats Nick, I'm getting thirsty."

Fannin walked into the Hall and was peaking to several guests while making his way to the head table. Stone and Vail spotted him immediately, "Romeo is here.." They both broke out in laughter again..

Anna raised an eyebrow and shook her head. It made her think that she would have to be careful if she ever got into a serious relationship.

Raven dressed in a long gown of black velvet, a choker of black pearls around her neck. She was looking forward to Anna's reception, She walked into the room and began to circulate.

Vail caught a glimpse of Raven moving about the hall and elbowed Stone, Stone saw who he was looking at. "Relax, she's one of mine, besides you're not ready for medical retirement yet."

Skylar entered in formal Vulcan attire. It was neither expensive, nor flashy, however it did have a look of elegance to it. He nodded to a few officers he recognized, until he found his quarry: 'Captain' Anna Johnson. He approached quickly, and nodded. "Peace, and long life, Captain Johnson. May I offer you congratulations in your promotion?" He eyed the Captain, and her sister, though he kept his expression neutral, he was rather impressed.

Anna gave the Vulcan greeting in return, "Thank you Commander Skylar it came as quite a surprise." She said.

Commander Gene Vance was standing in line waiting to speak with Captain Johnson. It was his second trip to the station from the planet. He didn't really know anyone but needed to get with Admiral Stone if he could. It was a matter of reporting in really, routine but something that needed to be done in person. He reached the new Captain. "Well done Ma'am, and congratulations on your new promotion."

Anna shook his hand. "Thank you," She said, "And thank you for coming to my reception." She said.

Jana slipped away a moment with her sparkling grape juice and made her way to Raven, "Love your dress." she said.

"Thanks," Raven replied. "You look great. How are you doing?"

Jana blushed, "I'm doing better. I've made some friends, real friends for the first time in a long time." Jana said. Then her eyes went just past Raven's shoulder to a young boy around Jana's age he waved she smiled and waved back but for now moved to rejoin her sister.

As Jana moved off, Raven said, "Give your sister my congratulations. The promotion is well deserved."

Miral walked into the room in a formal gown of deep purple. As an ambassador, it was important for her to attend these events, even though she much preferred a quiet evening in her quarters. She walked up to Anna. "Congratulations, Captain. It is a well-deserved promotion."

"Thank you," Anna said, "And thank you for coming as well. Things are going well for you I hope."

Miral smiled softly. "Things are going quite well." At least on some fronts. With a half smile she continued. "Health and long life." Then, with a formal bow, she moved on to allow others to speak to Anna.

Krang made his way to the reception. He was wearing his dress uniform, but it didn't fit well. The design was for a humanoid and while he loosely classified as such, the jacket didn't suit his barrel shaped torso.

He saw Anna standing with a very pretty younger woman and he loped over to them. "You ladies look lovely this evening."

"Thank you Krang. This is my sister Jana. Jana this is Krang Darkmoon our chief of security." She said.

Jana nodded and smiled, "Nice to meet you Mister Darkmoon." Jana said.

"The pleasure is all mine to be sure." Krang answered, doing his best to smile like a human without looking like he was baring his fangs.

"I've heard good things about your work here on the station." Jana said.

"I appreciate the compliment, but I'm just doing my job to be honest. My staff makes me look good." he replied.

"You do well at leading all the same." Jana answered.

Morgan heard about the promotion and the reception. Not one to pass up an opportunity to make a good impression, she arrived fashionably late to the reception dressed in a flowing gown of gold-embossed white. She paused elegantly in the doorway just long enough to attract attention, then she plucked a glass of wine from a tray and glided over to Fannin. "Admiral," she purred. "Good to see you are well again."

"Thank you Morgan, it's very nice to be back at the station. How are things going planet side?"

"Very well. The Damron Group has completed its relocation. Everyone's been transferred to the new city," she said politely.

Skylar decided to sit in the quiet corner of the room, sipping on a cup of Green Tea. He watched the people interact with one another. "Fascinating." He said to himself, watching how Commodore Fannin reacted to Morgan Damron.

Basil strolled in wearing his dress uniform, and looking decidedly uncomfortable. He must have gained a little weight since the last time he wore it. Shrugging it off, he put on a brave face, and approached Anna, extending his hand. "Congratulations, Anna... I mean, Captain. Couldn't happen to a nicer lady!"

"Thank you and when not on duty you can still call me Anna." She said. "Glad you could make it. Have things slowed down some in sickbay?" She asked.

"Well, not really, Anna. We are going full tilt to get everything ready for the incoming casualties, so I don't anticipate a let-up until the worst of the wounded are safely out of danger. But we'll do everything we can to save as many of them as we can, rest assured."

Anna was a bit taken back by the turn out. Yes it was open to the whole station but she honestly didn't think this many people would turn out.

Commander Ray Mars had spoke to a few of the crew and been seeing a young lady on the station for a few weeks, Being a Provost on the planet he jumped at the idea to visit the station and meet a few more..

"Congratulations Captain Johnson. I have a gift for you. A pass for one week at the new lodges built on the planet. I hope you get the chance to use them. It's very nice there."

"I'm sure I have some shore leave coming up soon. Will I be able to bring my sister as well?" Anna asked.

"Of course Captain, the lodge has a full staff and Three master bedrooms, with Mountain hiking and hunting with pristine lake views. It's the best place for a rest."

"Once I'm done with the annual station check I'll have to keep that in mind then. Thank you very much." Anna said.

"I sure hope we see you there." Commander Mars Bowed and wandered off to find some good station banquet food.

Anna herself was starving but the line of people coming to congratulate her seemed like it would never end so for now she kept smiling and greeting.

The doors of the kitchen burst forth with squads of severs with armloads of plates, a protocol officer addressed the gathering to take their seats as the head table was served..

Both Anna and Jana took their places at the head table and waited for the plates to be served.

Fannin was hungry, he dove into his plate with gusto, Most of the guests were scurrying for a chair as the smell wafted through the Hall.

Anna and Jana both started on the salads first. Anna still couldn't believe how many people had shown up. While she ate she scanned the room wondering if Aeshia had come to the party.

Raven took a seat at one of the side tables.

Skylar approached Raven's table. "You appear rather... distracted, or uneasy, Commander. May I assist you? A glass of tea, perhaps?"

Raven looked up. She didn't recognize the Lieutenant Commander. Vulcan, obviously. Wearing yellow. "I'm fine, thank you. I like to watch people, so I'm sitting here."

"I do not mean to impose, but I have not met you yet. Perhaps now is a good time for introductions. I am Lieutenant Commander Skylar, Chief Engineer." He said with a short bow.

"Raven Adams, Chief Intelligence Officer," she said, returning the bow. "Nice to meet you, Commander."

Skylar nodded. "And you." He looked about. "This is a rather large event. Not too many people remove themselves from the center. What is your reasoning?"

That made Raven chuckle. "A lot of people do avoid large crowds. Me, I like to watch people. Easier to do from here."

"A most peculiar hobby. Perhaps I should attempt this, some time." Skylar noted with a quirked eyebrow. His attention span, which normally encompassed, regardless of whether he was on duty or not, several engineering theories, at least two possible alternatives to normal repair actions, and the theoretical soundness of any given paper that had been printed in the Fleet Engineering reports, as well as the current task at hand, had completely locked up. His entire attention span focused on this one person. It then occurred to him, a sociological error in his upbringing. He had no clue what this was, or how to handle it. Instead of asking for assistance, however, in typical Vulcan manner, he merely excused himself from the table, and Raven's presence... for the moment.

Aeshia Dew entered the reception area. She wore a tight-fitting black dress, which was rather complimenting of her petite figure. She approached Anna. "Congratulations Captain Anna lady. I have gift."

Aeshia handed Anna a dark bottle. "Authentic Japanese Sake. Is good."

Anna's face lit up when Aeshia approached. She took the bottle with slight bow and gave the small woman a hug, "Thank you Ms. Aeshia and I'm glad to see you here." Anna said.

Jana smiled at Aeshia as well and gave a slight bow.

Aeshia nodded at Jana and Anna again. "You two look so pretty. All the boys must be falling over from heart attacks."

Jana blushed deep red. "Thank you," Anna said with a smile, "Though I'd much rather be in an evening gown than this stuffy uniform." She added.

Aeshia nodded. "You teach your sister to be man-killer. Is good."

That made Jana blush an even deeper red if possible. Even more when boy that had waved at her earlier tried to catch her attention again.

After several minutes Fannin stood at his table. "Guests, A toast." He raised his glass. To the federation and all its allies, To Starfleet," And the guests drank again. "To Captain Anna Johnson" A round of cheers filled the room, "SPEECH, SPEECH.."

Anna stood, "Thank you all for showing up this evening. This promotion came as a bit of a surprise for me. I will do my best to make sure I do not disappoint Commodore Fannin and I will do my best to serve the Starbase and the Federation as best as I can." She said.

The Dinner continued as more of the crew paid their respects to the newest captain. Fannin Stone and Vail all made their way forward to Anna. Admiral Vail spoke first, "Glad to have you with us. We'll be meeting with you in the morning to discuss a new project we need your input on." Stone smiled, "Have you heard of the Athena Project Captain Johnson?"

"No sir, I can't say that I have." Anna answered.

Fannin nodded, that's gonna be your baby Captain.... You want the good news or the bad news?"

"Both I guess," Anna stated.

"OK, Good news is your going to to be in charge of one of the largest engineering feats Starfleet has attempted in many years. Just being selected Captain and selected to run the construction of a Fleet starship construction yard will certainly make you a rising star in the Fleet."

"And the bad news?" Anna asked.

"The Fleet has selected Wren Myer as it's construction team leader."

"And that is bad why exactly?" Anna asked.

Admiral Stone smirked, "You will grow tired of this man's expert opinions quickly. He believes that operational teamwork slows him down and wastes his time. He gets results... and the job done whatever it takes."

"That isn't always a bad thing." Anna said. "Hopefully, I'll be able to handle him."

Fannin shook Anna's hand I don't want to take off but I need to be on the bridge in ten minutes and don't want to go in this uniform. I'll talk with you people later.


Comodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer Task Force 42

Vice Admiral John Vail
Fleet Operations

Admiral Nickolas Stone
Fleet Inteligence

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Station Security

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer, Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Cheif Medical Officer, Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer, Typhon

LT Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer, Typhon

Commander Garrett Foster
Chief Operations Officer, Typhon


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