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Some Assembly Required

Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2011 @ 8:05am by Commodore Edward Fannin

513 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Captains Lounge
Timeline: Current


Teri had flipped up another diagram of the massive derrick. "This is the part I don't get, section A and this smaller platform here just don't match at all. I must be looking at this completely wrong."

Edward turned the platform around and every different way trying to fit it to it's mate without success. "I think we're missing a few parts..."

He walked over to another hologram and started checking to see if any of those sections would fit. The second one he grabbed fit perfectly. "THERE!"

"Why this section is in the second shipment I'll never know, but there it is!"

For the next hour the Yeoman and the Commander assembled the first of Nine sections to project Athena. Putting it together on the computer was much easier than in real life...

A message came over the intercom. "Commodore Fannin, please contact the bridge."

"Well I needed a break anyway. I'll be back."

As Fannin arrive a few minutes later he was advised of a visitor that would be arriving the station that requested his presence when they arrived.

"Whats the type of Vessel" he said annoyed at the request...

"Sir it is a rather large shuttle with diplomatic registration numbers, Should I hail the vessel Sir?"

"Where is the vessel from?"

"Sir I show it departed Earth region Four, Castlemere Two weeks ago."

Fannin's head snapped around, he was a little Green but composed himself quickly. It was Delore, she was here. At Typhon, right now. Today.

"Well, ah, lets prepare to take the vessel in, dock them at number Ten by the former Ambassadors level by the formal reception area."

"Aye, Aye Sir."

Edward walked to his temporary quarters and changed into a clean uniform and straightened up. His mind was just not thinking properly at all. He knew his fate now was sealed. There was nothing he could do about it. He and Delore had been talking about it for weeks. It was a big leap of faith for her. She was brave enough to try it anyway. Edward was ready and headed for the Main shuttle bay.

By the time Edward got to the Ambassadors level he had noticed all of his crew had vanished. A few men to activate the hatches and equalize air and atmosphere was all. When the door opened he was alone on the deck.. He wasn't aware most of the crew was watching on screens located through the entire station... Since the tabloids had broke the story the crew had been taking bets what would happen, Would the rich Princess show up? Or would Fannin resign his command and return to Earth...

The ship roared when Delore practically ran the last five feet and was caught by their smiling Commodore...

"I couldn't wait any longer"

Edward smiled. "Well your stuck here now. If you get cold feet I'll impound your ship until you fall in love with me."

They walked down the corridor towards the Ambassadors residence with several porters dragging luggage in tow...


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42


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