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FNN News, Early Broadcast

Posted on Wed Jan 19th, 2011 @ 12:49pm by 1st Lieutenant Tony Way & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

539 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: 21st Marine HQ
Timeline: Dawn


Tony had made it to the Headquarters area just before dawn and his camera crew got the equipment ready. He asked a Marine if the Colonel would be available for an interview but hadn't received word yet...

"Ok, I need you to get this burning truck in the background on this shot if possible.." His cameraman nodded while he made a few light checks. Marines were packing up and moving out. Tony needed to go with them if it could be a good story.

Wilhelm walked out of the storefront that served as his HQ. "How can I help our resident...reporter?" Wilhelm said with a small smile.

Tony flipped up a salute glad to see his CO. "Good to see you in one piece Sir. I was wondering if you would care to give a censored interview about your Marines here in action?"

"Not a problem Lieutenant." Wilhelm said then continued. "Where do you want to do it?"

"Right here Sir." Tony stood beside the Commander and nodded to his cameraman.

"This is Tony Way reporting from Exeter. With me is The Commander of the Twenty First Marine Regiment Colonel Baron Von Hackleburg. Colonel could you give us a rundown of operations since your landing?"

"Well Tony, we've been securing Exeter's capitol city of Aurora in a running series of engagements that is close to fruitation. We've also been helping any civilians we encounter here with basic services, medical help and evacuation if they choose."

"Have you encountered and Breen forces yet?"

"Some Kohr Than class assault fighters have been making themselves known but our Razors have been keeping them under control. We've also saw glances of some Breen personnel, but very, very few." Wilhelm failed to mention the prisoner they took.

"It's been obvious the destruction that's happened here Sir. How widespread is the damage to the rest of the planet?"

"We haven't seen first hand, but damage is limited to where the enemy has setup bases of operations. Mainly population centers and the surrounding areas are smashed up. Rural areas away from the mercenaries and Breen forces are relatively untouched."

"What about the Twenty First Colonel. How are the Marines holding up?"

Wilhelm smiled, "No officer could hope for better troops. They've been exposed to some of the worst horrors of combat and take it in stride."

"I'm sure you can't discuss your plans, but overall what is your strategy for assisting these refuges?"

"We are going to establish patrolled safe zones that the refugees can live in either till this crisis is over or ships are available to evacuate them. Also of course render whatever aid we can."

Colonel, Are you expecting further resistance from the commando's? And what are you doing in regards to housing them?"

"With the POW's we've taken? We have established a Camp to house and take care of them till we can route them to bigger facilities. As for resistance, as I'm sure you've seen, there is no slack on their part."

"Well thank you for your time Sir, and good luck"

"Thank you Lieutenant." Wilhelm said then headed out towards the lines.

Lt. Tony Way
21st Marines Public Affairs Unit

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines


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