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Coms are Up

Posted on Sun Jan 16th, 2011 @ 12:30pm by Master Sergeant John Deal & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

338 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: North End of Held City/ Subspace
Timeline: Current


John's communications relay was up, and he was dialing in for the Colonel. He didn't have the best news, but it was better than losing everyone. Out of the platoon, he had lost a squad, maybe a squad and a half of people. He didn't like the fact that he lost more people, all of them green, but he had to come to grips with it. It was war, and these people that were alive would be better off for their friends losing their lives. It would show them how to stay alive.

"God, I'm too callused," John said, closing his eyes for a second.

Wilhelm watched on as the last batch of POWs was beamed up to the waiting transports including the Breen prisoner to the Odin. Wilhelm then seen his COMM tech run up to him. After be told who from Wilhelm activated the COMM. "Report Sergeant."

"Well, it's a beautiful morning up here in the Warehouse District, we suffered few causalties, about a squads worth, but the Enemy took a far deeper hit. We're in control now." Looking at the man John changed his demeanor. "And I screwed up bad enough to be demoted."

"Oh really....We'll discuss it later. I have some other work for you. I have the Raider Squad and a vet squad from the Second enroute to your position so keep an eye out. Otto will fill you in."

"Aye Colonel, anything I should know before they get here?"

"Just that it'll be a recon mission on some potentially important info we got from some prisoners. Which might turn into a rescue mission."

"Alright Colonel. Lieutenant Way is taking over for Lieutenant Greer. He has a real estate option now, and I needed someone. If he's needed elsewhere, send a word to the comm tech and we'll send him out." Looking to the Sergeant he nodded. "Good luck Colonel, and keep my bed warm."

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
21st Marines


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