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Surrender or Starve!

Posted on Tue Jan 4th, 2011 @ 7:48am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Master Warrant Officer Charles Willey [Wilhelm] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Master Sergeant John Deal & Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

1,798 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Aurora, Planet Exeter
Timeline: Morning


Wilhelm watched the sunrise and looked down at his PADD that had reports from his units detailing their actions during the last 24 hours. Most of it was fairly dry with reports on how the Commandos were trying to breach the cauldron, along with casualty reports. After finishing up his reports Wilhelm went to his temporary Command Post where his Battalion CO's and the new First Sergeant was waiting over the map. "Gentlemen. Good morning. Looks like it was an interesting night, but first an important piece of business." Wilhelm said then continued formally, "Attention to Orders." Wilhelm said and watched as the Marines came to instant attention. Wilhelm then walked over to stand in front Major Parino and took out a PADD and read: "Major Jerry Parino of the First Battalion, 21st Starfleet Marines Regiment, Seventh Marine Division. Is hereby awarded the Bronze Star for courage and heroism under extreme enemy attack in the city of Aurora on planet Exeter. His example is in keeping with the highest traditions of the Starfleet Marine Corps." Wilhelm finished and pinned the medal on Jerry's uniform and shook his hand. "Congratulations." Wilhelm said with a bow.

Parino was floored, "Thank you Sir"

It was long night running out of the city Dom was tried of killing for one day and she was glad to reach the front line where the colonel was she was out of ammo for all here weapons she had to use her six's inch combat knife to defend herself. As they reached the line someone was bowing but she could not see whom it was she walked slowly toward the line so she would not be shoot.

John looked at the Colonel, and nodded. He had a straight razor in his hand, and was dragging it over his stubble laden cheeks. "Congratulations Major," he said, whipping the hair off the razor. He was looking over the map as well, but was mourning the loss of his weapon still. The P90 was slung around his back, feeling small and worthless. "Whats the plan now Colonel? We gave them a pretty bad bloody nose, and some of them are defiantly looking for a way to go home. You can almost hear the screams of the Commanders as they lose troops one after another."

"Well Sergeant," Wilhelm said, "We are gonna dig in deeper and starve them into surrender. Then we'll move on to tying up the loose ends in this city then move on to neutralize the other cities and installations. Ohh, by the way a supply convoy with equipment and replacements will be arriving before the end of the day. So we need to get our seriously wounded and dead ready to ship out."

Reynolds was laying on a cot. "How many of these gomers you think we have left on the planet?"

"Can we give them a chance to give up?" John asked the Colonel while looking at the map. "I'm sorry if I sound soft Sir, but some times starving them out kills us faster than it kills them. People tend to fight harder when they have nothing left to lose."

Wilhelm looked over to Deal, "Ohh I'd be more then happy too let them surrender and we're going to start streaming messages and dropping leaflets to that effect. As to there numbers, scans indicate that there is at least several thousand left, some are probably civvies others not so much. If we see any civvies wandering toward us of course let them through after checking their ID'S and any surrendering troops to detainment." Wilhelm looked at his watch quick, "Arty and air strikes are scheduled to begin within a couple of hours to level any large concentrations of troops and buildings capable of holding bulk supplies. Also, from now until this siege is lifted, every couple of hours are guns are going to fire a couple of salvos into them to keep them rattled and awake at all hours of the night."

"Sir any new order's for me sir oh I also need more ammo" then she turned to the master sergeant
Oh and Master Sergeant I'm going to need that P90 back if you don't mind. "
Reynolds was checking out the city map. "If it's alright with you Sir, I think I'll take a few artificers over to that power plant and see if I can get some lights on in this town"

Parino joined him at the table, "Need to see how many members of the local government are left here. Try to get some things rolling with services. I know we have some supplies we could hand out to some of these poor people, there's Thousands of them returning to the city."

Reynolds nodded. "We should brief the Marines to keep their hands to themselves. I sure see a lot of young widows walking around...."

Deal nodded and looked at the Sniper. "I get another weapon in my hands, you get the P90 back Corporal. No sooner." Sliding the razor away he looked at the map again. "Can we maybe funnel them through here, and here?" he asked pointing to two spots. They were the heaviest defended, and had the most people to watch one another. "That way we can scan everyone, and at the same time make sure none of our men become unexpected fathers, or dead."

"Well Corporal, start locating any enemy patrols that didn't get caught in our net. A resupply truck should be around in about an hour so grab some hot chow, kit up, and head out. Same to you about a new weapon Master Sergeant." Wilhelm said then looked at Reynolds and said, "I agree Major. Go get all the public utilities up that you and your Artificers can, except for the contained area. Also I agree with the two screening funnels from the contained area, but make sure no Marine is to travel in anything less then squad strength. Except, of course, for our snipers and scouts. There are still hostiles on this side of the line and I don't want anyone caught in an ambush. Now I suggest we all get some breakfast and re-kit when the supply trucks make their way here." Wilhelm said then took a bottle of shaving cream out of his backpack and smiled at Deal. "Command perks...." Wilhelm said.

Shaking his head, John took the P90 off his back and slid it across the table to the sniper, along with the remaining ammo. As he turned back to look at the Colonel, he saw the shaving cream and couldn't help but start laughing. "I prefer dry shaving in a war zone Colonel. It keeps he foam out of my eyes if there's a battle out of no where." Just as he finished, he heard the joyful cry of soldiers that were getting supplies and shrugged. "Time to load back up and move out."

Dom picked up here weapon then left the tent to go get ammo then went to go enjoy something to eat right after that she was going to leave. She studied the map at where some of the place that they could be after chow she head to one out of five spot she could sit ,watch and wait.

Walking to the supply truck, Deal grabbed a new phase rifle, several energy packs, and an old Beretta .357 to hold on his hip. Shaking his head, he looked longingly at the chow tent, but moved on to his men. They were in need of fresh weapons, food, and even a fresh drink of water. Looking in on his team, he smiled, and jumped in the hole with them. "Leave the repeater, and go get some chow. Supply just came in, so check your mail, get some ammo, armor and food. You have an hour, if you're back before that, I'll send you right back. Smoke if you got them."

Reynolds pulled a small ammo pack on and downloaded a few engineering programs for the old power generator on hi padd. "Colonel I'll be back in a few. Need to check my Marines and take a look at that equipment"

"Good luck Major." Wilhelm said taking a straight razor out of his pack. After a few minutes Wilhelm, freshly shaven, wandered to the supply truck for some hot chow and to re-kit.

Dom head out towards her first sniper point and started scanning for remaining patrols that were left when she found them she eliminated them on sight after that she would move to another position to keep from being killed or engaged she would do this for however long was needed

Marine Medic Chuck Willey was at an aid station helping out a couple of civilians. "Bite down on that mouthpiece son. This'll hurt." Chuck said to a young boy of about ten, looking up doe-eyed to the big marine. Chuck reset the bone in the boy's leg and the child cried out in pain. Finished Chuck gave the boy a hypo to ease the pain and took out a tool to help speed up the healing. "Thank you." The mother of the boy said and Chuck responded. "Not a problem ma'am. Always willing to help." Chuck said as he stood up to move to the next patient, his work here done.

After getting some chow Wilhelm heard a short burst of weapon's fire coming from way down the line. When he got to the HQ tent he heard a report that some more mercs tried to break out and failed. Wilhelm looked at his COMM tech. "Open a city wide channel in one hour, I want everyone to hear me. I have terms to deliver to our encircled neighbors."

One hour later, Wilhelm looked at the COMM tech and seen a nod. "To the Breen and mercenary forces in the city of Aurora. This is Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg of the Starfleet Marine Corps. Your position is surrounded and you are cut off from any reinforcement. Any supplies you have stockpiled are being sytemmatically destroyed. Your strategic situation is hopeless. Surrender, or die in your positions. You will all be treated fairly according to the rules of war and recieve food and medical help if you surrender to our lines. To any civilians in the city. If you are in need of any help in the way of food supplies, medical help, or evacuation. Please identify yourself to any Marine patrol and we will help you to the best of our abilities." Wilhelm finished and looked at the tech, "Think they'll give up?"


Major Erwin Reynolds
1st Battalion
21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
3rd Battalion
21st Marines

Colonel Wilhelm Baron Von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
21st Marines


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