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Arriving at Typhon

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2009 @ 11:28pm by Commander Jack Tolren

477 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Various

[Runabout Thames, Aft Compartment - enroute to SB Typhon]

"Executive Officer?" the thick set green man on the terminal's screen asked. "That sounds important, is it?"

"Yes, it is important," Jack replied. Talking to his father had never been one of his favourite activities. The 70-year old Orion had trouble comprehending many things, particularly Starfleet, but it was impossible not to see his pride. "I'm the Captain's deputy, his first officer."

The old man's mouth widened into a beaming smile. "Well done, son," he replied, laughing. "Have you heard this Serena?"

His attention turned away from the comm link for a moment as he explained the news to Jack's mother. Jack looked out of the side window of the runabout, beyond the monitor, as they neared his new home. The starbase looked fairly small at this distance.

"So, when do you make Commander then?" Jack's father asked, grabbing his attention again.

"I've no idea, dad, I have to impress Captain Fannin first," Jack responded, rolling his eyes at his father's ignorance of the promotion system.

"Well remember what I taught you, if they don't listen, bash..."

"Dad!" Jack interrupted. "Throwing my weight around won't get me promoted, this is Starfleet..."

His father chuckled again and smiled. "I know, I know, I was joking, anyway it's good to hear from you, next time you're near Earth, you come and visit."

"I will, speak soon," Jack offered, before saying his goodbyes and turning off the subspace link.

He looked out of the window again and saw nothing but a huge grey structure. They had arrived.


[Shuttlebay 12, Starbase Typhon]

The runabout had landed only moments ago and Jack made his way to the forward compartment. He threw a smile at the young pilot who turned around as he entered.

"We're here sir," the Lieutenant informed him. "I made them aware that it was their new XO arriving, so I expect you've got a welcoming committee waiting outside the hatch."

"Thank you, Lieutenant, there really was no need," Jack replied. He straightened his tunic sub-conciously. He didn't like fuss, there was no room for fuss in Starfleet. He took a breath and tapped the button by the hatch. It slid open to reveal a busy shuttlebay, but no welcoming party.

The Lieutenant, having got to his feet, collected his bag and walked to the door, smiled. "I told them no welcoming party, sir."

"I'm glad you're getting to know my tastes, Mister Francis."

Jack stepped out of the runabout after collecting his two bags from the luggage compartment inside and headed across he vast shuttlebay. The green-lined walkways provided a safe passage through the arriving and departing vessels which hummed around him as he made his way around people hard at work. This assignment, he could see, would be busier than he had anticipated.



Lt. Cmdr. Jack Tolren
Executive Officer


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