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Grabbing the Plots

Posted on Tue Jan 11th, 2011 @ 11:44pm by Master Sergeant John Deal & 1st Lieutenant Tony Way

1,475 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter, North End of Held City
Timeline: Current


"The name of the town was..." Wilhelm looked down at the map and smiled. "Sitko." Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "Anyways, Get a company organized and move em out. Take some medics and artificers with you too." Wilhelm finished then looked at Sergeant Deal. "Sergeant I want you to gather up a platoon worth of the greenhorns plus a green, butter bar Lt., and grab a couple squads worth of vets, and patrol the northern , industrialized, sector of the city. We've had some reports of some leave-behinds up there. Mind the mess the Raiders left up there. I'll be moving around the siege lines keeping track of the surrounded force. Report in when you complete your objectives. Anything else gents?"

"None Sir, I'll be grabbing my men from the reserves that just came in. The ones out here need some rest." Nodding to the remaining people in the command tent, John spun on his heel and walked out of it. "Lieutenant Greer! Form your unit! We've got a job to do!"


Master Sergeant John Deal, the First Sergeant of the 21st Marines aboard the Starbase Typhon was tired. He'd been marching for hours, his new platoon fanned out behind him. No one had come up to fight, most were wondering where they could get help. He sent them all to the Battalion HQ, sending intel back on the people that were coming the Colonels way. Rubbing his fore finger and thumb against his eyes, he continued to go. The platoon behind him were fresh for the most part, only two or three Veterans, all of which held ranks close to his. Lieutenant Greer, the Platoon Leader was a nineteen year old child, hell bent on getting someone killed. The man walked next to John, asking him more questions than he had heard during his entire time in the Corps.

"Master Sergeant, there's a patrol coming from our nine," one of the scouts called out from his left flank. The platoon didn't spin as one, but little by little. They had a lot to learn if they were going to survive even a day on Exeter. Twenty three different phase weapons, and Johns TR110 were trained on their nine, eyes peeled for movement that the scout had said was coming. Even though they had little to fear from enemy patrols, he heard whispered prayers and growls.

"Thunder!" was called from the position the scout had pointed out, and John stood. He knew the call sign, and the answer to it.
"Flash!" he called back, signaling his platoon to stand. Shaking his head, he smiled as he noticed a patrol group. "Is it clear up until the North End? I've got another klick or so to go before I'm at my theater."

"It's clear enough Master Sergeant. Most are just civilians that are trying to get something to eat. The Breen took everything they had."
"Send them to the Colonel, we've got the HQ set up as a staging area for those that have been affected by the war. We've also got resupply there as well, so you guys can grab some hot chow if you haven't already."

"Field Rations are fine, but warm chow is always a god send," the patrol leader said with a smile. "The civvies are staying out of our way, they know we're here to help, and they don't want to slow us down any. They want the Breen gone just as bad as we do." Looking behind him the Sergeant chuckled. "I'm going to run these boys home. Good luck Master Sergeant, it's easy going until you get into the warehouse district."

John nodded and looked back at his men. Lieutenant Way was in the back, writing down idea's for an article. While Deal didn't see a problem with that, he hoped that the man knew how to fight should the time come. Signaling his men to continue moving, they started hoofing towards the Warehouse District. Groans were heard, along with a few hoots for battle. "Green Horns," John said looking back. Several of the veterans also grumbled the same, but he decided to say nothing to the whole. They'd get all the taste for battle they wanted and then some.

As they closed in on the Warehouse District, he decided something. He would have the men under his command start singing. He couldn't figure out what cadence would sound the best, then smiled. "Follow me," he called out, the Sergeants falling in line behind him to start calling cadence with him. "We're going to call a candence from Earth's Vietnam War. It's called Mickey Mouse." Several of the men behind him chuckled, and they began as one.

"Who's the leader of the club, made for you and me..." they began, and the lower ranked people followed suit. They marched into the district, singing the song, and John heard the distinct sound of laughter from around him. Looking to Lieutenant Greer, they both smiled and the new Lieutenant signaled for the waiting Scouts to take out the position that was about ninety meters to the left of where they were walking. As phaser fire rang out, the Marines continued to sing. "M-I-C-K-E-Y MOU-SE. Mickey Mouse," as the first part ended, the second began.

"Men, as we enter the warehouse District, I want you to remember one thing. WE TRAIN FOR THIS!" John yelled out, and the Marines behind him yelled in reply. "CHARGE!" As one, the platoon of men started at a dead run, phasers up and firing as the targets popped up from here and there. Men fell around John as he fired at the Dominion Merc's that came from the wood work, felling more than his share. Dust kicked up on the improvised battlefield, and the platoon scattered for cover. Cries of death and of pain littered the area, as did dead and dying bodies. People grabbed extra weapons, and continued to fire as their energy packs, and reserves ran low. TR110's fired at full burst, and Squad Automatic Weapons opened up their rain of death. As the fight continued, it seemed like forever until the dust settled, and the Marines were again the victors.

"Give me the stats," John said to the man next to him, then noticed that he had died. It was the green Lieutenant that he had brought into the fight, then he heard the sound of crying. It wasn't the civilians, they had left long ago. It was the Green Marines on the field crying over the loss of life, of limbs, and of friends. John signaled for one of the Veterans to come to him, as he slumped against the building that had served as his cover. Now it only served as Swiss cheese. He didn't know how he had survived unharmed. "I need to know how many we lost, and how many of them have given up." The Sergeant nodded and ran off to figure out what was happening. Looking over, he shook his head and almost laughed when he saw Lieutenant Way.

"Still alive I see," John said walking over to the combat reporter. "Go ahead and write whatever it is you want. We'll try to get you back to HQ if you want to, since it'll be a hard spot to fortify and keep." Looking around, he noticed several engineers and a couple artificiers. "And they'll be doing everything they can to keep us alive." Walking past the combat reporter, he looked around at the now dead bodies that littered the ground. He had been dumb enough to think that singing would bolster his men's moral. "And I want comms up in ten!"

Tony had been keeping up with his cameraman for march to the warehouse district. It was clear soon the marines would make contact and he took a spot on the line. He heard the strike up the assault song Big Black Maus, he was sure their was going to be a scrap. Their was... Tony wasn't sure what he would be able to send through the Fleet Marine sensors But he did have a story. It was all around him. Seeing Sergeant Deal regrouping his Marines on the objective he decided he would stick around for a while, he would send the Cameraman back to HQ. They might just need a Marine lieutenant out here.. He caught up with Sergeant Deal.

"Sergeant, I'm gonna send my cameraman to the rear. I was going to ask if I could stick around?"

John turned and looked at him. "You have a weapon Lieutenant, and do you know how to use it? If so, you're free to stay and help me make some sense of the gaggle around us."

"Aye , aye Sergeant"


Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
21st Marines

Lt Tony Way
21st Marines, Headquarters


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