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Vacation Time

Posted on Fri Jan 14th, 2011 @ 7:36am by Captain Anna Johnson & Jana Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

514 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Resort

Anna had contacted her friend from the party that had offered her a week away from the station. She made the arrangements told Jana about it so she could get any important assignments to work on while they were there and the two of them were now packed and on their way to meet their courteous host.

The shuttle landed and as they got out Anna's eyes widened at the waterfall that flowed down next to the cabin they were told was theirs. Jana stood wide eyed. She leaned in and whispered, "You should have made captain a long time ago."

Anna smiled and shook her head, "Let's go see what it looks like inside." She said.

"Greetings!" An older man and what appeared to be his companion walked toward them from a path on the side of the cabin.

"We were wondering when you would be showing up. I'm Jacob Ritter and this is my wife Doreen."

"There were a few loose ends I had to tie up before we could come. I'm really looking forward to this. It's been a while since I had some real time off." Anna said. "This is my sister Jana." She added as Jana stepped forward and nodded toward the two.

"Well just let us know if there's anything you need. The house is large and fully stocked. Replicator is bran new too, if you like we serve a real home cooked meal with fresh vegetables every day at Five at the main lodge. A real fruit basket is on the table.... Along with a map of the area. Don't worry about any predators here. Be mindful of the River as this close to Falls the current is very powerful."

"Thank you very much." Anna said and looked at Jana. "Let's go take a look." She said and Jana nodded then headed toward the house.

Jacob and Doreen walked back up to the main lodge..

They stepped through the doors and the view was amazing. Through a large picture window you could watch the water fall from dining area. There were enough rooms that a large group of people could stay here easily. There was a hot tub, a fireplace and that was just from they see from the main room.

Jana looked at Anna, "We get this for a week for free?" Anna nodded, "Go decide which room you want." She said with a smile.

Jana took off and quickly found "her room" and changed to get into the hot tub while Anna did the same. Jana finished first and went to the replicator to get both of them a fruity beverage to drink on while they relaxed.

Anna came out smiling, "I was thinking about having a vacation home built but if we can rent this from time to time I don't see the need." She said climbing into the bubbling water.

"I couldn't agree more." Jana said handing Anna her drink and climbing in as well.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Jana Johnson
Civilian (NPC)

Various other NPC (Played by Fannin)


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