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Council of War

Posted on Thu Jan 6th, 2011 @ 10:11am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Master Sergeant John Deal & Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

435 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Marine HQ, Aurora, Planet Exeter,
Timeline: Afternoon


Wilhelm looked at his assembled officers and smiled. "Gentlemen. We are here to get this ball rolling again after our little break on the siege line. If you didn't notice our Sniper has been given her assignment. First off any current concerns?"

Reynold stepped up to the map, "Sir about Seventy miles from here is a narrow pass. The mining village of Stark is located just below a few klicks. it could be a good observation spot for us and force a bottleneck. Were picking up some merc stragglers moving that way."

Parino nodded, "Hell Two squads and a mini gun would make that place impassable."

Wilhelm looked at the map, "Hmm. Parino, detach a Platoon and get em up there. Have them bring along some heavy weapons and establish a blocking position. Also we need to detach a company and get them to this little town about 30 klicks to the west. It's the nearest settlement closest to this city, and I'm sure the locals would appreciate it." Wilhelm said then continued. "Any other concerns?"

Parino smiled, "Yes Sir, I'll get comms with you as soon as I get there." Jerry turned and shot out the door..

Erwin laughed at Parino's departure. "Sir was the name of that town to the West, I can take a company out there."

"The name of the town was..." Wilhelm looked down at the map and smiled. "Sitko." Wilhelm said with a chuckle. "Anyways, Get a company organized and move em out. Take some medics and artificers with you too." Wilhelm finished then looked at Sergeant Deal. "Sergeant I want you to gather up a platoon worth of the greenhorns plus a green, butter bar Lt., and grab a couple squads worth of vets, and patrol the northern , industrialized, sector of the city. We've had some reports of some leave-behinds up there. Mind the mess the Raiders left up there. I'll be moving around the siege lines keeping track of the surrounded force. Report in when you complete your objectives. Anything else gents?"

"None Sir, I'll be grabbing my men from the reserves that just came in. The ones out here need some rest." Nodding to the remaining people in the command tent, John spun on his heel and walked out of it. "Lieutenant Greer! Form your unit! We've got a job to do!"

"Otto we need to have a chat..." Wilhelm said to his Staff Sergeant.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
21st Marines

Major Erwin Reynolds
1st Battalion, 21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
3rd Battalion, 21st Marines


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