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Slave Pens Part One

Posted on Fri Jan 28th, 2011 @ 11:34am by Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Master Sergeant John Deal & 1st Lieutenant Tony Way

2,155 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Warehouse District, Aurora, Planet Exeter
Timeline: current


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp and his squad, along with another, made their way cautiously up the street to where the new relay station was. They all kept their eyes peeled for any sign of movement and traps as they advanced.

John was laying in wait as Otto's men started up his street. He watched them move, and stood, signaling his men to keep from firing. "Otto!"

Otto looked at the Sergeant and smiled, waved, and pointed down at the Master Sergeant's chest where there was a red dot. "Stand down T'Mpel.." Otto said into is COMM. Otto then trotted up the street to where Deal was. "John." Otto said with a big grin under his non-standard black beret. "How is life in the warehouse district?"

"A little dirty, a little grungy, but quiet after we routed the enemy. I have a command tent set up, and your boys can get some warm chow. It's rations, but I know I was hungry after coming in here." Looking as the sniper stood, John nodded to the man. "And you can let me know what we're doing out this way."

Otto led his two squads to the tent and watched as they dug into the rations. Otto took a two packets of instant coffee and tossed one at Deal. Otto dumped the coffee into a cup, added some water from a canteen and took out a hand phaser. "Well John. We might be going on a wild goose chase." Otto said as the contents of the cup started boiling. "Intel from a couple different prisoners we took said they had some sort of processing facility in an old warehouse up here for slaves they've taken and are waiting for some Orions to show up. So we've been tasked to check it out and rescue the civvies if we find it's true." Otto said then took a careful sip of his coffee.

Tony way was getting his drag bag rigged up, "Sounds interesting, when are we moving out?"

"After I finish chow... I'll be bringing my squad and the Master Sergeant will be bringing a squad with." Otto said around his food.

Otto quickly finished his food and his coffee, grabbed his gear and gather the Raiders up "Are you going to be bringing any greenhorns Master Sergeant?"

"No, they're busy digging a defensive perimeter around our current location. The older members of my group, including Lieutenant Way here will be scouting the area with you." Looking at the packet of coffee he laid it down, and took a sip of his canteen. "I have a couple men trained as forward observers, they should be ready to go at any time."

"Good." Otto opened his tricorder and sent the location to all the marines involved. "Lets move out. We'll take this eastern way. You take this western way, and lets keep this quiet and avoid any unnescessary contact." Otto put his head out of the tent. "T'Mpel get moving!"

Tony grabbed his equipment and followed the marines..

Otto and his squad plus a forward observer a couple other marines took off at a crouch on their route. Within one hundred yards they had to wait for a merc patrol to pass by. Continuing onwards they advanced by leapfrogging going from cover to cover with Otto recieving sighting reports from their Vulcan sniper and spotter. Getting closer Otto took out his tricorder and did a passive scan and he got a quizzical look on his face. "Two power signatures?" Otto mumbled and thought "One is configured like a low intensity forcefield grid...the other has power spikes like a warp capable ship!" Otto thought then COMM'd Deal "Sergeant make your way to the objective we're going to checkout a power signature close by."

-^-Copy that Staff Sergeant. Use the Fisters as needed. Air support is a go.-^- Looking at his own men, they began to rush forward, taking down guard units before they could call out with blunt weapons and knives. Looking at his men as they left another guard post bloody, he nodded. They started running again, looking to get to their position fast, silent, and deadly. As they neared the position that was given to Deal, they slowed down, and started acting almost as ghosts. Flitting in and out of enemy sniper scopes they moved silently. Phaser fire snapped out, cutting down several men, but they were all Dominion forces. "Take the position, lock it down, and get a bird down here." he told Tony, moving to the left. Grabbing a forward Observer and a scout, they rushed into another building.

John wasn't going to make the same mistake twice, and he had seen something moving in the building. His three man team looked at the only door in the building, the only one left standing. They ahd cleared every other room, and this one was only two stories tall. The scout stomped forward and kicked the door in half, sending it into the room. John rushed in after it, tackling one man to the ground, finding it a human boy no older than sixteen. No fire rang out, but he could feel the barrels pointing at him. "Hold fire," he said loud enough for his men to hear. "My name is Master Sergeant John Deal, United Federation of Planets Marine Corp."

"I'm Lieutenant Thomas Greern, Exeter Defense Force," the boy said from under Johns bulk. John made to move away from the young man under him, but did so slowley. "What are you doing in our nest?" Greern said as his mouth was cleared.

"We're wondering the same thing," John said as he stood, and picked up his discarded weapon. "Is there a reason why you're nesting here with a dominion force sitting right outside?

"Because if we tried to take them out, they'd call for the bird they have on the other end of this road to come and bomb us. It's happened to every other nest that's been out here. It's a Dominion Bomber, thats a bit quicker than anything we've seen." John nodded and touched his ear, opening the direct link to Otto.

-^-Otto, be careful, theres a bomber sitting out there, ready to be called at any time. If you find it, call down artillery before engaging. I want that area glassed before you even think about going in.-^-

Otto hit his COMM "Yes Sergeant." Otto then closed the COMM "Now where's the fun in that...I thought it would look good in my garage." Otto mumbled and seen one of the other Sergeants in the squad let out a little chuckle and kept moving.

Using their specialized passive scanners the Raiders made their way to an open area where building rubble was cleared away. The Raiders ducked under cover and seen a very distinctive Breen heavy bomber, but they also seen a little bit of a green hulled vessel covered by the bulk of the bomber along with over a company of mercs. "Lets carefully move around to the left..." Otto ordered.

Moving from cover to cover quickly and silently, the Raiders made their way around to the far side of the impromptu landing field and caught full view of the the other vessel, a small Orion freighter. Carefully edgeing closer they got setup to callup the HE rain when T'Mpel called over the COMM "Wait! There is civilians by the cargo entrance to the Orion." Otto brought up his specialized Macrobinoculars and zoomed in. Sure enough, there was about 30 civilians in a double line under guard by a mix of Orions and Mercs. Looking around Otto seen a large Orion arguing with a commando. Otto turned to his marines "Ok. Here is how we are going to play this..."

After issueing orders the Marines scattered to their positions and Otto hit his COMM, "Big Ranger, Raider One. Target is lit. Open fire. Standby on Blinders...." Otto said and ducked for cover as he could hear the incoming shells and photon rounds. Peeking out to watch Otto seen the shells and photon rounds start landing dead center on the Breen bomber. After a few hits the bomber's shields flickered and died and rounds started impacting violently against it's hull. Otto seen all Commandos and Orions hit the dirt or some scattered away from the blasts. "Show time." Otto thought and hit his COMM "Raiders....Advance." Otto said and burst from cover at a run shooting anything that got in his way. Otto could see the other Marines charging silently, spraying death. Hearing a faint zing going by, Otto seen one of the guards of the civvies drop as T'Mpel went to work taking out the guards.

All the Raiders converged on civilians, shook them out of their stupor and started getting them away. Otto ran square into the big, befuddled Orion who roared "Those are MY slaves!!!" and started pulling a pistol from his belt. Otto brought up his rifle and shot him in the throat. "COME ON!!! MOVE!!!" Otto yelled to the civilians and pointing frantically in the direction he came.

As the civilians started running pall mall in the proper direction the Raiders started laying all out covering fire and started to withdraw behind the civilians. Otto tried his best to urge them on as fast as he could because he noticed enemy fire was starting to pick up noticeably. Just then a large explosion appeared behind the freighter as the bomber was destroyed. Otto loaded an isolinear tag into his weapon and shot the freighter quick and watched as the artillery fire shifted to the thin skinned freighter. Otto and the marines finally withdrew to their original positions and watched as the civvies ran into a setup grid of transport enhancers and disappeared. With that Otto said "Big Ranger fire Blinders then pulverise that site!" Otto shielded his eyes as the modified starshells called Blinders hit dirt and let out a sustained bright light. After the flash, the Raiders ran, throwing some proximity grenades behind them as they heard the scream of alot more incoming arty rounds.

About five blocks away the Raiders met up and got organized. Otto hit his COMM to John "Well scratch a bomber, an Orion freighter, and more then a company of mercs. Plus we rescued some civvies that were going to be exported. There might be more at the other power signature. No casualties. Moving to meet up at the other site."


John listened carefully as Otto gave an update and smiled. "Ok, we have to move. Lieutenant, if you want to come with us, then come on." Looking ot his men he nodded and started to leave.

"No one's going anywhere," the kid said, cocking the weapon that was in his hands. "You're going to sit right here and tell me why I should go with you." John sighed.

-^-Otto, I ran into a little problem. You'll beat us there by a few minutes at the least.-^- Looking at the kid, John again sighed and stepped forward, to where his hands could touch the barrel. "If you come with us, you survive just a little bit longer, and maybe the Dominion won't find out about your liberation front. Back home on Earth, we had the Irish Republican Army for several decades. They acted much like you are right now.

"The English Regulars tried everything they could to drive the IRA from English soil. To stop them from blowing up innocent Englishmen and Irishmen. For years, the United Nations, one of the early Federations, tried to mediate peace between the people. They both had claims to land, but their home was one big island. But it wasn't big enough for the two different cultures to live there in peace.

"Ireland wanted their freedom, and England wouldn't give it to them. So they fought, and killed, and died, and destroyed. They never built where the IRA had completely demolished buildings. And this went on until the beginning of the last great war that Earth fought on its own. We call it World War Three. After the war was fought, the island of England had been split into several because of the weaponry used." John looked at the kid, and was stone faced.

"You're rolling down the same road kid, and I don't want to see that happen here. Stay here, and make sure that this area is safe. But take this lesson from history, no war fought ever ends with everyone happy."


"Roger Sergeant Deal." Otto said clicking off his COMM. "Well boys and girls." Otto said looking at the Raiders. "....We're going to be the first ones to this particular party...." Otto said then continued on with his squad.

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Marine Raiders Regiment

First Lieutenant Tony Way
Combat Reporter, FNN News

Master Sergeant John Deal
21st Marines


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