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Departmental Check: Intelligence

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2011 @ 11:59am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

1,335 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Intelligence Office

Anna made her way to Raven's office to get the annual reports on her department. She rang the chime and waited for admittance.

Raven was sitting on her couch, reading a PADD. "Come in," she called.

Anna stepped in. "I was coming by to see if you had your departmental review ready to turn in?" Anna asked.

Raven walked over to her desk and set the PADD down. "Edgar, copy the departmental review to a new PADD."

The raven nodded its head. A moment later it nodded again.

She picked up the report and handed it to Anna. "Here you go. Nothing unusual, fortunately."

"In this case that is a good thing." Anna said with a smile, "You want to grab some lunch?" She asked.

"Sure. My schedule's pretty flexible right now," Raven replied. Basically, as long as she got her work done for the day, she came and went as needed. Very helpful for some of the work she had to do.

"You have any ideas of where you want to go today?" Anna asked placing the PADD with Raven's report on her belt.

"Not a clue. Lately I've been eating a lot of pasta. And chocolate."

"Okay so Italian is a no go unless we go for pizza." Anna said with a smile.

"I wouldn't mind lasagna. Or salad. Or soup." Raven shruged. "I'm not very picky. Do you have a preference?'

"There is a decent Italian place we can go to then." Anna said.

"Okay. Lead the way." As they walked out the door Raven addressed Edgar. "You're in charge until I get back."

The raven flew down to her desk and sat watching the door.

"I love that bird," Anna said with a chuckle as they headed out the door and toward the restaurant. A short walk later they stood outside and the host saw Anna, "Captain nice to see you will it just be the two of you today?" he asked.

Anna nodded, "Just the two of us."

Raven followed the host and Anna to a table and sat down. "What do you recommend today? she asked.

"We have a three cheese lasagna that is excellent today we also have a nice Chicken Cesar Salad both as a side salad or a meal." The host said.

"I will have my usual with a salad please." Anna said.

"I'll have the three cheese lasagna and a side salad," Raven said.

"Very well are you currently on duty?" He asked.

Anna nodded, "Yes so sweet tea to drink please." She answered.

"I'll have a glass of milk," Raven said. "Bovine. Whole."

He nodded and turned to place the order.

"He was probably going to bring me a glass of wine if I wasn't on duty." Anna said. "I'm beginning to think he might be interested in me." She joked.

Raven looked at the back of the retreating host, then to Anna. "You could do worse." Speaking of which... "How are you and Ian doing?"

"I don't really know." Anna answered, "I haven't even gotten a communication from him since the marines left." She said, "I don't know if he is still interested or not."

"I have no idea," Raven said. "But I'm sorry." She wasn't sure, however, if she was surprised. Ian seemed to be the type who lived in the moment. Out of sight, out of mind.

"I'm not exactly sure I can trust him anymore either." Anna said. "I've been hurt too many times it takes a while for me to put my heart on the line and he has already tread on it once." Anna answered. "It seems to me like I'm not worth pursuing to him."

"I honestly can't say. He seemed pretty eager to make things up with you the last time I saw him." Then again, the last time she saw him he apologized because Anna wouldn't get back with him until he did.

"I thought so too then nothing." Anna shrugged. "I can't wait forever."

About that time their server brought their food to them setting a plate of chicken parmigiana in front of Anna and the lasagna in front of Raven with salads for both and their drinks. "Do you need anything else?"

"I'm good for now." Anna said.

Raven shook her head. When the waiter left, she took a bite of her lasagna. "This is good," she said, taking another bite. "How's Jana doing?"

"She's doing great. I was given a week at a resort as a gift for making captain we just got back. Both of us are a lot less stressed and ready to face what lies ahead." Anna said. "My brothers are doing great at the academy as well they are a couple of years apart in age but in the same level in classes. They should be finishing their first year there very soon."

"Excellent. What else is going on with you -- besides making Captain?"

"Except for the vacation I really haven't much time for anything other than work and trying to spend some time with Jana. Between Fannin almost getting blown up and having to leave for duties related to being a commodore I find myself running the station half the time." She said. "I'm just glad things seem to be calming down." Anna said as she used the spoon and a fork to wrap the pasta before taking a bite.

"We're almost done investigating the explosion."

Anna nodded, "Good and the marines found a suspect for planting the mines as well." She said. "I just hope we have them all."

"Not yet, but soon," Raven promised, after she finished her food.

The server returned with two servings of tiramisu and coffee and set the desserts in front of them and the coffee in front of Anna. "Did you want coffee as well?" He asked Raven.

"No, thank you," Raven said. "I'm good." She still hadn't finished her glass of milk.

Anna shook her head, "He knows me too well." She said with a laugh picking up the cup of coffee fixed just the way she drinks it she took a sip before digging into the dessert.

Raven just raised an eyebrow but said nothing. She took a bite of the dessert and smiled.

"I just hope things stay calm for a while. I don't want Commodore Fanning getting blown up again anytime soon." Anna said.

"Neither do I. It's bad enough we lost Commander Tolren. I'd hate to lose the Commodore as well," Raven said. "But, as soon as we catch the person behind the bombing, we should be safe enough."

Anna nodded, "I'm sure Commander Darkmoon will have tightened security for quite a while yet." Anna said.

The waiter brought over the PADD with the meal ticket on it. "Will that be one check or two?" He asked.

"Two," Anna said.

He tapped a few commands and handed it first to Anna who placed her thumb on it to take the credits from her account. He then handed it to Raven.

Raven added a tip before placing her thumb print on the PADD. "Thank you," she said as she handed it bak to the waiter. When he was gone she turned to Anna. "Thanks for the company."

"Thank you too. I hate eating alone." Anna said.

"I usually grab something out of the replicator. This was a nice change," Raven said as they headed out the door.

"Jana likes eating here so when we decide to eat out its usually either here or at the Tea Lady's shop." Anna said with a smile.

Raven nodded. "I like the Tea Lady. Well, thank you again for the company. There's someone down here I need to talk to, so I'll see you later." With a smile to Anna she headed for Khiy's office to talk about some Intel she'd received that day regarding the explosions.

Anna headed to her next department for a check in.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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