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New Year's Eve Party

Posted on Mon Jan 4th, 2010 @ 11:47pm by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jack Tolren

1,292 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Banquet Hall, Deck 27
Timeline: New Year's Eve (Previous to the SAR Call)


Jackson went to the front of the room to make a speech, as he noticed that most of the guests had arrived. "Welcome to the New Year's Eve Party, everyone! Maybe this will become an annual thing we have on the Typhon...Who knows?! Anyways, you've all been working really hard the past couple of weeks...Or at least the Science Department has been." Luke let out a laugh. "So, enjoy the food, spring wine, music, and more!"

Will was late to the party, he knew it was going on but unfortunately an engineers work was just never done. Through the Jeffery's Tubes he rocketed up to one just inside the banquet hall, then discreetly made his entrance just in time to hear the ending of the speech. "Damn replicators" he mumbled to himself, "little blighters never work right."

Captain Fannin enjoyed party atmosphere, he was talking to an interesting couple both working in Fleet maintenance protocol, they were highly amused at Fannins approach to getting the ships stores delivered. He saw Commander Jackson and walked towards him.

"Quite a nice surprise, quite a few of the crew are rolling in."

Stepping down from the platform to give the musicians center-stage again, Luke shook Fannin's hand and greeted him, "Yeah...I'd say so. Not many of the seniors are here though...I guess more will arrive after the new year."

"Just as well, let the Junior Officers get used to the place"

Jack entered the lounge slightly later than a few of the other guests, including the captain, he had been busy doing very little, not wanting to be the first to arrive, it seemed more socially acceptable to come when everyone was already here. Behind him a few feet walked Joe Francis, the Ops Officer who had arrived with Jack on the shuttle, both looked a little out of place.

Lieutenant Danner stepped up to Fannin, "Evening Captain, how are we doing tonight.?

Edward turned. "Oh, Dr. Danner, good to see you, how are things in medical going.?

"Very well sir, the equipment is calibrated nicely and the staff first rate, sure makes my job here much easier."

Fannin was sipping the wine, a waiter past by and took his glass. "I plan to sample some of this feast that's been laid before us. Lieutenant, if you care to join us."

Captain Fannin observed The XO enter with another Officer and waved them over. Another Officer caught his eye as she walked through to the bar.

Dea entered the party late. It had been the last thing on her list with so many other things to take care of. Yet some unknown person had left her a note encouraging her to attend. After making her entrance she headed to grab a drink.

Captain Fannin and the station Doctor had a seat at the head table and dug in to their plates. Tolren sat down at the Captain's side and also began to feast.

Luke butted in, once again, "Sorry that the party's not too extravagant...The builders hardly had the bulkheads up...I kept redirecting them to various sections. I think a couple of them are around the party, somewhere."

Fannin nodded,"Really, this is very nice, simple serves well."

"Well, for now...Just imagine next year: Streamers everywhere, shiny objects decorating the room, people waiting on your every hand and foot, a gourmet meal..." Jackson became somewhat overwhelmed with the idea.

Mike had left the Cadets to their selves after landing and came to see the Captain. He always felt it was best to check in immediately or at least set an appointment to do so upon arrival. As he entered the hall, he was pleasantly surprised by the simple party. He had feared some grand ball on such a huge starbase and feared he was going to be too under-dressed to even enter. Mike asked around and soon saw Captain Fannin. He walked over and smiled "Good evening, Sir. Mike Hawkins reporting in unofficially, of course. Just wanted you to know we were here. Nice party."

"Ah, Commander Hawkins. I pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce some of the staff." Fannin Introduced all the members he could find nearby his table. It was getting crowded as the word had gotten out. "Please take a chair and get some food, how was your trip?"

"After so long on a planet, it was actually nice. The Cadets are a good group and I expect they will learn a lot more here then in a classroom." Mike shook hands and greeted people as they were introduced. "Is quite a sight from outside. I never served on a Starbase before, let alone one as big as a Moon!"

Lucas, sitting a few chairs down, added in, "And the Typhon isn't even the big gun...There's bases bigger yet. But, I'll probably get called off by the Captain if I start rambling about that." He gestured to Fannin, who looked only somewhat amused at the thought.

It was about that time that Mandy, Patrick and Lee made an entrance. They walked in arm in arm but separated shortly after. Patrick joined a group of young Ladies and the giggling started...and a few left. Lee walked over and joined a table of science ensigns and was soon embroiled in their conversation. Mandy made her way over to where a few people were dancing and joined in.

Mike noticed them immediately and kept an eye on them as he did the meet and greet. "Captain Fannin, three of them made it to your party, it seems. The young fellow among those Ladies wearing the flowered shirt and sandals is Patrick Wayne. The lady in the Black dress dancing with the Engineering Lieutenant is Mandy Travis. Mr. Lee Quan is the fellow in the dark turtleneck, having a heated debate with some Science department fellows."

"I'm seems their quite comfortable with their new home already, I'm glad to have them here with us. You Sir, shall have your hands full I believe."

"Makes me feel useful, being retired was quite boring I am afraid. On the bright side being among these youngsters makes me feel younger myself!" Mike smiled and then coughed twice. Still smiling "Just makes me feel younger not be younger I am afraid!" Mike's laugh was warm, friendly and honest.

Fannin smiled, "I fully understand that feeling."

The host, Lucas Jackson, once again rose to the podium. "Alright everyone, one minute to the New Year!!! The screen behind me has the Special Ball, so let count her down!" Luke gestured to the screen. The Spacial Ball was something started by a group of home-sick Star Fleet personnel, that missed their ball drop in Times Square on Earth. It was launched every year into space. In conjunction with the Earth-time-frame, it would drop—a spectacle that was always worth seeing.

Jack turned to the screen, placing down his cutlery to watch the spectacle. The spacial ball had become a tradition amongst all crew members with any attachment to Earth, and most could claim some form of attachment.

The all three Cadets gathered together. Patrick reluctantly left the ladies he was chatting with when Lee had taken a step in his direction. Mandy left the Engineer she was dancing with to join them to watch the ball drop. They cheered like everyone else as it descended.

The party began counting down in unison when the New Year was only a few minutes away. "TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

Regaining his spot on the podium, Lucas shouted out, "Happy New Year, everyone! May this coming year be great for you all!"


Starbase Typhon Crew


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