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Post Inspection Visit

Posted on Sat Feb 12th, 2011 @ 6:56am by Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone & Commander Raven Adams

684 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Main shuttle Bay
Timeline: Current


Admiral Stone stepped of the shuttle followed by Three Fleet intelligence Officers. Two of the largest Captains that had worn intel Grey's and a Fleet representative Commander from Headquarters. Stone turned to Captain Jacobs, "Lets get these issues closed up as soon as possible, get to personnel and report back to me at my quarters as soon as you find out anything."

The Captain nodded, "Yes Sir" and stepped off towards the lift stations.

Stone glanced around the shuttle bay, his eye caught what seemed to be a smelly hulk beside the main bulkhead wall... It was what was left of a small older shuttle craft that had several main parts missing.

Nick turned to Captain Gold-Masters, "Goldie..Find out what in the hell is going on with that.. Thing could you?"

Stone shook his head and was followed to the lift station by Fleet Commander Corth.

"I have sent a message to Commander Raven, the Commander is currently conducting a briefing in the Intel com room."

"Very good, please inform the commander I shall meet with her at her office when she is available."

Raven got the message as soon as the briefing was over. She sighed heavily and sent a message to the Admiral telling him she was available at his convenience. Then she want to her office and got herself a large mug of hot cocoa with whipped cream. This was turning into a very long day.

Stone was always impressed with Commander Raven He didn't know her very well but had reviewed her files and liked what he saw of the Commander...

"Raven, Good to see you again. Sorry to barge in on you" He noticed her holding a hot mug, yes she did like the chocolate...

"Hello, Admiral," she said, standing. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I'm fine Raven, thank you. I just wanted to stop by and let you know I was back. Captain Jacobs will be stopping buy and reviewing some of your transmission files from your secure servers the next few days. He may get in the way but it is a necessary task I assure you."

"I know," she sighed. "How deeply will he be allowed to dig? I have confidential sources that need to remain confidential."

"I would advise you to keep those sources off the network. If their on there any descent hacker or snooping Fleet person with access could get to it. I've have him report when your staff is ready."

"They're not on the network," she informed him. "They're on my personal computer in my quarters. However, I do have some information on my office computer-- also not on the network. If I can get into any computer on the starbase, I'm sure others can as well. I will make sure there's nothing in the department by noon tomorrow."

"Excellent, I need to meet with Vail and Fannin in a few minutes. I have heard there has been a lot of progress in the Bomb attack."

"Yes. We found the person who hired the Breen. Both for the space mines and the explosion on the station."

"Where is that unfortunate soul now?"

"I gave the information to Commander Darkmoon. I'm not sure what happened after that. A man selling Starfleet Intel died when a deal went bad. The investigation into that incident, fortunately, led to our discovery of the man responsible for the bombings. You have my report. I think we have a pretty tight case."

"Again, a job well done. Well I'm off to meet the Admiral. Let me know if you have any problems with Captain Jacobs. He is quite good and shouldn't be here long."

"Thank you. I'll let you know if I need anything," she said, standing to shake the Admirals hand. "It's good to have you back on the station."

She watched as Stone walked out of her office, then sat down at her desk and began to prepare herfiles for the upcoming inspection.


Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone
Chief, Fleet Intelligence
Theta Fleet

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon



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